WhatsApp, how to disable updates from your smartphone

WhatsApp, how to disable updates from your smartphone
WhatsApp, how to disable updates from your smartphone

WhatsApp, how to disable updates from your smartphone: the procedures to follow to eliminate what for many users is a nuisance in their daily activities.

WhatsApp Updates – PianetaCellulare.it

We often notice that WhatsApp continues to update automatically from our smartphone and that for some moments of the day it is impossible to use the app. With procedures that can last even a few minutes causing a temporary disruption for those who urgently need to quickly give a communication for example for work reasons. Let’s find out now how to solve this problem both on devices Android that on those iOS. All the details below.

How to turn off WhatsApp updates on Android

There is a very effective way to disable WhatsApp updates from Android devices by simply going into Google Play Store by pressing the screen on the mobile phone display or from the application drawer by pressing on the profile photo. Then you will have to click on Manage Apps and device and then enter into Manage. At that point you will need nothing else but go manually to disable updates automatic in a direct and simple way, with a procedure that as we have said remains very intuitive.

WhatsApp disable updates – PianetaCellulare.it

There would also be an alternative from Play Store by tapping on Search in app which is located at the top and type WhatsApp. Both solutions appear easy to pursue, just continue with WhatsApp Messenger by pressing on the three dots at the top right and then remove the checkmark on Automatic update. It should be noted that in this way automatic updates will no longer arrive and to receive them you will still have to manually reactivate this function to then receive them when some are available (Here we talked about other important updates of a very useful app).

How to Turn Off WhatsApp Updates on iOS

For those who own in iPhone We have some bad news to share: you can’t block automatic updates of WhatsApp unlike what happens with Android devices. If you decide to do so then we need to know that we will deactivate not only those for the Italian messaging app but all of themeven those of other apps that may need to be constantly updated. At that point we must make a conscious choice: if we proceed with the deactivation we will also block all the others.

If we decide to proceed with deactivation, we will simply need to enter the iOS Settings by pressing on the gear icon or from the Bookshelf by tapping on App Store. Even in this case it will be very easy to reach our goal: we will go to move the Automatic Downloads indicator to off which is located next to that one App Updates. In a few seconds we will have achieved our goal in one fell swoop by stopping all automatic updates (here instead we have given interesting information on Google updates).

The advice remains to make a careful evaluation: is it really worth disabling automatic updates for all apps? Think carefully before proceeding, knowing full well that in any case you can reactivate them at any time by changing the Automatic Downloads checkbox to On.

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