Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater reveals gameplay, but doesn’t have a date yet

Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater reveals gameplay, but doesn’t have a date yet
Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater reveals gameplay, but doesn’t have a date yet

A breathless Xbox Games Showcase also gave us the return to the scenes of Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eaterwho for the occasion finally revealed his cards by showing himself in a gameplay video.

After last year’s announcement trailer, which confirmed Naked Snake’s return and set the tone for the production, the Xbox Games Showcase footage gave us a glimpse of the opening moments of the adventurewhich see the protagonist land in a forest in the Tselinoyarsk region and above all lots of gameplay. Veterans who have had the opportunity to play the 2004 original should immediately feel at home, since Naked Snake is still capable of adapting to any situation by slipping through tall grass, subsisting on game, sneaking around enemies and, if necessary, dump tons of lead. All, obviously, seasoned with an updated graphics sector with Unreal Engine 5 which, at least from what we can see, appears faithful to the stylistic signature of the original.

The more than two minutes of this first Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater gameplay footage, unfortunately, flies by without revealing the launch date, which continues to remain unknown. The game, which we remember to be in development at Virtuos studios, is expected on PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.

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