Italy 24 Press News

Fossano, the debut of the new Council. Simona Giaccardi confirmed as president

Photo Costanza Bono

A little less than twenty-four hours after the official announcement on the composition of the Council, the meeting was held on Saturday 29 June in the Barbero Hall of the Castle, Municipal settlement council of the new Fossanese Administration. The majority councilor Tiziana Airaldi (Brothers of Italy) was “justified” absent, after the controversy over the composition of the Council.

The senator will temporarily preside over the assembly George Bergesio who, after the usual greetings and thanks, began by recalling that the current administrative team will have the task of governing and making the City grow over the next five years up to the threshold of 2030. “The electoral campaign was demanding but now it is over, we must think about governing by supporting the democratic confrontation between the majority and the opposition”.

After the validation of those elected, they were voted unanimously Surrogates of the advisors called to fill the positions of the department and allow the entry of their substitutes. For Brothers of Italy Louis Bell took over from Danilo Toti; for Forza Italia Mario Tortone replaced Giacomo Pellegrino; for the civic list Dario Tallone mayor Angel Lambert took over from Donatella Rattalino; Matthew Blengino (Fossano in Azione) instead took over from Luca Minozzi who resigned for personal reasons.

Il mayor Dario Tallone he took the oath of loyalty to the Italian Constitution for the second time: “I intend to continue to be the Mayor of all citizens – he then added -. Our financial balance is healthy, we are a virtuous municipality. There is a lot of work to do and therefore we intend to promote dialogue with the minority and with the different realities of the territory, we can also count on a government supply chain both at a regional and national level. I am proud that the role of vice mayor has been entrusted to a woman: it is the first time in the administrative history of Fossano”.

Later, at the conclusion of his speech, Francis Balocco he reminded the assembly that the position of deputy mayor was already held, in the 1950s, by Camilla Bonardi, during the administration led by Beppe Manfredi.

After the official nomination of the councilors with the specification of their relative delegations, the majority nominated Simona Giaccardi to the presidency of the Council; at the same time the opposition councilors, through the voice of Mirella Brizio, group leader of the civic list Viviamo Fossano, instead proposed the candidacy of Simone Chiapello, councilor of the civic list Direzione Comune Fossano. Giaccardi was elected with nine votes compared to the six obtained by her opponent.

Extensive report on “Loyalty” on Wednesday 3 July

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