Italy 24 Press News

Newey-Ferrari, Elkann: “We need to find the right moment” – News


The attraction between Ferrari and Newey

Since the story involving team principal Chris Horner and the employee who accused him of sexually inappropriate behavior emerged, a power struggle has arisen at Red Bull between the “Austrian clan” and Horner himself, supported by the owner Chalerm Yoovidhya. Initially Adrian Newmind and pencil of the dominant Red Bull, has not taken a position in this fight, but with the passing of the days his human bond with Horner has weakened: the designer will say goodbye to the team at the beginning of 2025 and will be free to settle elsewhere.

As we have always reported to you, the Ferrari he is in pole position over Newey, for whom there is great (reciprocated) esteem and desire to work together. There is no signature, because when technicians of this caliber move it is difficult to close quickly, but it is not a problem. At least it’s not for John Elkannwho preached calm during the Newey negotiations.

The words of Elkann

There are so many evaluations, you have to be careful. The right moment must be found in which to do things, as happened with Lewis Hamilton. With him there was a convergence of intents that allowed us to work together“, these are the words of the Ferrari president in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “There are many possibilities, Newey or others, you need to carefully evaluate whether the conditions are there. We need to understand what the level of motivation and the ability to create new things rather than replicate others are.“.

Newey or not, Ferrari fans want to win again: “We always work towards that goal, this year we have seen progress and also difficulties. We need to continue to grow: the balance must be found between the valorisation of the many people here, an aspect that I strongly underline, and the possibility of attracting new talent“.

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