Italy 24 Press News

Diego Dominguez: the former rugby champion and his multi-sport summer camp

Last updated on 29 June 2024 by Armando Proietti

Diego Domingueza former rugby champion, brought joy and sport to theIpm Beccaria thanks to his multisport summer campThe days were filled with challenges, football matches and lots of laughter among the detained boys.

The benefits of sport within prisons

During the final football tournament, the five prison sections joined together to compete together, together with a sixth team made up of young talents from Lombardy. Dominguez He stressed the importance of team sports and constant training in shaping young people and transmitting positive values.

Project expansion and community impact

Dominguezwith the support of Mediobancahas also extended the project toIpm of Nisidaa Napoli, to continue to positively influence the lives of young people. The goal is to create an environment in which sport becomes a tool for socialization, respect and teamwork.

Sport as an educational and redemption tool

Sport, according to Dominguezteaches solidarity, perseverance, respect for rules and other people. Through the physical and mental commitment required by sports, young people learn to overcome challenges and understand the value of freedom and limits.

The experience of Dominguez and the positive impact

Dominguezwith his experience in rugby and tennis, has guided numerous young people towards a new perspective on life through sport. His summer camp For many inmates, it represented an opportunity to recover and acquire new skills and responsibilities.


  • 1.
Diego Dominguez
Diego Dominguez is a former Argentine rugby champion who is now a naturalized Italian. He is considered one of the best players in the world in the role of fly-half or full-back. Dominguez played for many years in the Italian rugby league, contributing to the success of teams such as Milan and Rovigo. After retiring, he dedicated himself to teaching and spreading the sport, always emphasizing the importance of the values ​​that accompany it.

2. Ipm Beccaria
The Beccaria Juvenile Penal Institute (IPM) is a penitentiary facility in Lombardy, Italy, which welcomes young prisoners. It is a place of detention and rehabilitation for children who have committed juvenile crimes. In the article, IPM Beccaria is mentioned as the location of the multisport summer camp organized by Diego Dominguez.
3. Multisport summer camp
The multisport summer camp organized by Diego Dominguez within the IPM Beccaria is an opportunity for young inmates to participate in various sporting activities, promoting values ​​such as solidarity, respect, and teamwork. This type of initiative aims to encourage the rehabilitation and personal growth of participants.
4. Mediobanca
Mediobanca is a major Italian investment bank based in Milan. In the article it is mentioned as supporting the expansion of Diego Dominguez’s sports project at the IPM Nisida in Naples.
5. IPM of Nisida
The Istituto Penale Minorile (IPM) of Nisida is a juvenile penal institution located in Naples, Italy. It is known for its rehabilitation activities for young inmates and is cited in the article as the site of the extension of the sports project promoted by Diego Dominguez.

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