Italy 24 Press News

Vuelle Vildera runway closed. Longer wanted

The club is still waiting for the contract signed by Matteo Imbrò, a player on whom Pino Sacripanti is banking heavily because he has seen this playmaker grow up: he was with him with the Under 20 national team when the Italian team won the gold medal, and also with him in the Scafati adventure. Beyond the timing, which is mainly technical and bureaucratic, there are no problems regarding the arrival of the signature of this playmaker: it is only a matter of hours. While the club is tightening its grip on the hiring of Khailil Ahmed, the American guard who has practically put the Belgian national title in the hands of the Ostenda team. A player in whom Pino Sacripanti believes a lot also because he considers him a winner and also one of those players who put their face on the line in the hot moments of the match. “A player – he is described – who is also able to carry the ball and play as a guard and with points in his hands”, say those who have seen him and followed him for a long time. Yesterday another name emerged for what concerns the guard sector, because Lorenzo Bucarelli, a point guard, appeared. Vuelle came forward, but the player who plays for Cantù, will hardly be released especially to end up in a company, namely Vuelle, which will be a direct competitor of Cantù next championship.

The fourth big man is becoming a small problem after Zanotti’s signing. This is because there is still a piece missing from the account. In fact, the club takes it for granted that the Vildera match is to be archived: an attempt that did not come to fruition also because Brindisi, to have him, offered the pivot a contract as an Italian player of the top league level: the registrations are rumored to be 300 thousand euros for a two-year contract. So now the hunt for the fourth big man begins to close the Italian pack under the scoreboards. This is also because the coach wants two little Americans. One is in his sights, while the other is being kept under wraps.

Among the things that Pino Sacripanti finds at home, but has not yet seen, is also the young Maretto, the Argentine who made a few appearances on the field last championship. Pino Sacripanti will go in the first ten days of July to Cadore where Maretto will be busy with the national team: an opportunity to see him at work and also an opportunity to exchange a few words with this young bull imported from Argentina and with strong potential.

Meanwhile, to stay on the subject of basketball: a big party in Piazzale Agide Fava, next to the old sports hall, this evening with Liba Italia Asd. The whole city is invited to this experiment that will see the participation of many players, including Pierluigi Marzorati who must celebrate the fact that a Boeing airliner now has his name written on the fuselage. A great tribute to this playmaker.


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