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winning melody for MotoGP

A famous Japanese saying goes: “Study the past if you want to predict the future“. If we want in Yamaha, to return to the protagonists in MotoGP, involuntarily (or maybe not..) they have thought a little about the origins of the company. To its founder, to that Torakusu Yamaha who can be defined as an infinite genius, capable of knowing how to do many things and do them well. In essence, exactly what the company of the Three Tuning Forks needs today for the relaunch, to return to being a protagonist in MotoGP. The series of announcements released in Assen reaffirm the ambitious intentions for the future, in contrast to what has been missing in recent years: planning.


Torakusu Yamaha was an individual with multiple activities, without ever specializing in a single sector. What, apparently, is back on track today. The stagnation of the last few seasons, with the developments that only featured a mass of new swingarms, is contrasted with a series of updates that benefit, if not yet the response of the stopwatch, at least the roughing of the 2025 M1 to come. At Assen, comparative tests of exhaust systems, but above all a new engine specification available with a single unit for each driver. Passed, even though Assen isn’t exactly the right track to get an idea of. In short: knowing how to do everything and knowing how to do it well. Not only the prodigious cycling qualities (Yamaha trademark), but also the engine and efficient aerodynamics, making use of established professionals of the caliber of Luca Marmorini and Max Bartolini. The latter, taken from Ducati, is a central figure for Iwata’s ambitious future intentions.


Yamaha began as the Organ Manufacturing Company way back in 1887, quickly becoming popular for musical instruments. There are many parallels between this sector and motorcycling, but essentially the starting company philosophy is the same. To find the right compromise, you need to be inspired by the total symbiosis of an orchestra dedicated to making a wonderful melody resonate. A balance that in motorcycle technique is combined with the path pursued in the development of the M1 MotoGP. Finding more horsepower, solving the canonical problem of lack of grip, without however compromising the particular cycling qualities of the M1. One “short blanket” so far, a wonderful melody in the plans of those in charge for the future.


As if that wasn’t enough, the good Torakusu Yamaha was a great scholar of astronomy, a passion passed on to him by his astronomer father. In contemporary MotoGP, whether we like it or not, the search for the stars is an essential starting point. First and foremost among the riders: Fabio Quartararo, spearhead of the future plans, who will once again be joined by Alex Rins, blocked for the next two seasons. Stars also among the technicians like Max Bartolini, the Pramac team is also a star, second Factory Team in all respects for the next 7 (!) seasons. Also identifying the rising stars, with the Moto2 program which will be reviewed and strengthened for the future, with a true Junior Team shared together with the same reality of Paolo Campinoti.


Yamaha returns to have its central role in the MotoGP paddock, but in the end the unquestionable judge of Motorsport remains the stopwatch. The company knows it for sure. On the other hand, as his first professional activity, its founder Torakusu Yamaha made watches…

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