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F1 – F1, Red Bull: Jos Verstappen declares war on Horner!

New chapter at home Red Bull. Between Jos Verstappen and Christian Horner the attacks continue, and this time too the Dutch pilot, father of the three-time world champion Max he doesn’t send word to his son’s boss. We saw the ex again Benetton In the box of the team of Milton Keynes during the free practice session of Gp d’Austriabut had already reappeared in paddock Of F1 a Monacoeven without getting too close.

Let’s remember how between If and the team principal British blood doesn’t flow at all: in Bahrain the two almost came to blows, and after the race won by MaxPope Verstappen he threw a boulder at Hornerdeclaring as the Red Bullwith him still in command of the team, would have fallen apart as the months went by. From there the relationship definitively collapsed, with Christian who expressly ordered that he no longer wanted the Dutchman to wander around his box.

F1, Red Bull: Jos Verstappen furious

Here in Austria but things went differently: Verstappen Senior he returned to the garage and a sort of pacifying confrontation between the two was also expected, but this was not the case for various reasons. If in fact it seems he refused the handshake of the Englishman, who went away annoyed and shaking his head, but behind this missed gesture by the Dutchman there would also be a different underlying reason than the one we told you in the previous paragraph.

Jos Verstappen, Gianpiero Lambiase and Max Verstappen in the Red Bull garage in Austria

In this weekendas has been the case since the Gp d’Austria has been back on the calendar since 2014, i.e. since the race takes place with the Red Bull owner of the circuit, the Legends Parade to entertain the public. Among the various pilots to drive there should have been precisely If Verstappenwho was supposed to lead the RB8 of 2012 world champion with Vettel.

The announcement was made by the company itself, which we remember is more than divided by internal political issues, but which in fact supports Christian Hornerwho is the party’s favorite Thaithat is, the one who has the majority of the company shares. Apart from this however, If therefore he did not want to confide in the British man, echoing the words spoken after the Bahrain and which we reminded you of previously.

F1, Red Bull: Jos Verstappen’s accusations

But what is the reason for this further lack of a “sign of peace”? Dad Verstappen heavily accuses the team principal from the Red Bullwho would have liked to limit filming as much as possible If Verstappen during the Legends Parade of this weekendsomething that the Dutchman only learned about from third parties and not from the Briton himself.

Jos Verstappen nel box Red Bull – Gp USA 2022

“In the last few days I have been told that Horner did everything he could to prevent me from driving during the Legends Parade – Jos told Dutch media present in Spielberg -. I asked myself why he didn’t tell me to my face, and I think things shouldn’t have gone this way, I find it very disappointing.”

This then sent him into a rage. If Verstappenwho with these behaviors, rightly or wrongly (let us remember that he was the one who made the first public blunder) Bahrainnda) certainly does not put the son in a good mood and in an easy position, who yesterday reiterated for the umpteenth time that his future, at least in the short term, will still be tied to Red Bull.

If However, not content, he went even further: “There should have been some filming during the Legends Parade, even with a drone, but he didn’t want me to be on camera. Can you be more childish than that? I’m done with him definitively, it’s like being in a kindergarten class. For this reason I refused and I will not take to the track, I think this says a lot about the behavior of Horner“.

Christian Horner (Oracle Red Bull Racing) – Fp2 – GP Canada 2024

It is evident that the whole affair that has affected il British and the Red Bull at the beginning of the year it was not digested in any way by If Verstappenwho has always been against the team principal British and tried to get him out in every way. Now it’s no longer a mystery, but the climate you breathe in box at least in the last few months it has apparently been relaxing. The fact that the Dutchman arrives after such a long time and creates further upheavals, moreover at home of the Red Bullwell, it certainly doesn’t play into the hands of the team World Champion.

Author: Andrea Bovone

Images: Red Bull Content PoolF1TV

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