Italy 24 Press News

Eight boys from Romagna dreaming of the Tour de France

To promote the spread of cycling among the younger generations, Aso has been organizing the Cadetti-Junior operation for over 20 years which allows young local cyclists to live a unique experience. The initiative is reserved for 8 cyclists belonging to the cadet (15-16 years) and/or Junior (17-18 years) categories, both male and female, registered with a club affiliated to the Italian Cycling Federation. Cyclists must be equipped with their bike, helmet and shoes and will receive from the Tour Continental sponsor a complete outfit consisting of shorts, jersey, helmet protector, shoe protector, gloves.

The kids will be introduced by the speaker on the official signature podium and will leave 20 minutes before the advertising caravan. They are not in competition with each other. they pedal in front of the advertising caravan and are greeted by the public. After 30 kilometers they will be loaded onto tour vehicles and will follow the caravan to get back on the road. 30 km before the finish they pick up their bicycles and cycle the last stretch to the finish line. Upon arrival they will go up to the podium for a photo and will be rewarded with a medal, after which they and their club companions will be able to witness the arrival.

The cadet team that will start from Cesenatico will be made up of 8 cyclists aged between 15 and 17 belonging to four teams in our region: Lorenzo Moriconi and Matteo Mastini of Sidermec F.lli Vitali Juniores of Gatteo, Andrea Giovannini and Federico Mazza of Team General System of Forlì, Matteo Degli Esposti and Federico Montanari of Italia Nuovo Borgo Panigale of Bologna and Alessandro Bandini and Alessandro Facciani of Ciclistica Omnia Imola. The operation is made possible by the precious and tireless collaboration of Vittorio Savini from Cesenatico, former sports director of Team Elite Service and Andrea Grillini president of Ciclistica Omnia Imola.

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