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The 2023/2024 volleyball season for ASD Beach&Volley Amantea ends

The ASD Beach&Volley Amantea celebrates the conclusion of an extraordinary 2023/2024 indoor volleyball season, characterized by sporting successes and unforgettable moments

A year full of emotions and growth that lays solid foundations for the future of the volleyball movement in our community.

The 2023/2024 volleyball season ends for ASD Beach&Volley Amantea

During this season, ASD Beach&Volley Amantea involved 130 athletes, from 7 to 50 years old, under the expert guidance of 6 coaches. Participation in 6 championships (FIPAV and PGS) saw 57 official matches played, culminating with access to 2 provincial final phases and 2 regional phases.

The association has formed 7 working groups, including the first and second level S3, the under 13 male, the under 14, 16, 18 female groups and a first female team. Among the notable results, we highlight:

Second place for the under 13 men’s 3vs3 in the FIPAV provincial championship.

First place provincial PGS and third place regional PGS of the female under 16.

Provincial PGS title and second place in the regional final for the first women’s team.

About 40 users participated in the national project “Women&Sports”, part of the initiative “Sport di Tutti – Inclusione”, promoted by Sport e Salute and the Department for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. This project, which continues in the summer and next season, aims at female empowerment and the fight against stereotypes and gender violence through sport. It is also facilitating the integration of minors from SPRAR or at-risk contexts, offering them opportunities to practice sports and participate in collateral activities.

These results are a testimony to the rebirth of the volleyball movement in Amantea, which had almost disappeared a few years ago. However, the real success of the association was offering many young people a place to meet and have fun, regardless of sporting results, promoting inclusion and integration. The smiles of the athletes and their parents are the greatest recognition for the efforts made.

Heartfelt thanks go to all the athletes, their families, the coaches (Terenzio Feroleto, Rocco Pugliano, Claudia Torchia, Giovanni Porco, Federica Colla and Francesco Ruggiero), the managers, the fans, the main sponsor Sabatino Ortofrutta, the sponsors ( Lido La Pecora Nera Beach, Ottica Bruno Green Vision, Il Borgo della Marinella, Mademoiselle, Alfano – Big Mat, Minds Comunicazione), the FIPAV and the PGS, the institutions (Municipality of Amantea, Province of Cosenza, Calabria Region, Department for Sport, Sport and Health) and all those who supported the association.

With the arrival of summer, the focus shifts to beach volleyball activities, which began in May with the training of a Spanish female couple, and will continue with courses, tournaments and camps. In the meantime, the association is already planning the next indoor season, with many new features coming soon.

Our commitment is to ensure that young people continue to have fun practicing the sport they love, as long as we are allowed to and the sports facilities are available and usable under conditions compatible with our reality, we will try to promote this mission to give Amantea a solid and future-proof, preserving what has been built so far and contributing selflessly to the social activities of the area.

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