Italy 24 Press News

Roma pressing for Le Fée, but the offer is not enough: the details

ROMA Ghisolfi is looking to France and above all to Rennes to strengthen Rome to be delivered to Daniele De Rossi. So after the contacts made for Doué, the right back to whom the French club offered a renewal so as not to let him leave, now the new Giallorossi boss is asking, and also with insistence, Enzo The Fairy for the midfield. Negotiations underway, the name of the twenty-four year old is strong in the corridors of Fulvio Bernardini and is now considered the first target to strengthen the role discovered after the farewell of Renato Sanches and the probable one of Aouar. Plus the possible one for Paredes, if he decides to accept the rich Saudi offer that came to his agents and which is now making him seriously reflect on his future in the Giallorossi.

The sheet of Enzo Le Fée

The negotiation for Le Fée

Roma offered between 12 and 15 million to Rennes for Le Fée, an initial approach that was clearly not taken into consideration by the French club who spent a year ago for his arrival 20 million. And it is also the minimum amount that Massara, the new sports director of the Breton club, would consider to let him go. In short, the request is 23-25 ​​million, for anything less the deal could go through. And so it is a negotiation, the two managers are in contact to find a solution and allow the player to land in the capital. Le Fée – as reported by the French media – has already found a principle of agreement with Roma and gave the green light to his departure. Also because in Trigoria he would meet up with an old acquaintance of his named Ghisolfi. The all-rounder, skilled both as a director and as a midfielder, before Rennes was among the great protagonists of the promotion of Lorient where the French sporting director was Mickael Landreau’s collaborator. There Le Fée was reborn, there he was able to turn the page after a past so difficult that it could devastate the life of any young person.

Chi è Le Fée

The midfielder (by the way, in Brazil they report an interest in Gabriel Sara from Norwich) bears his mother’s surname after the troubles of his father who was arrested several times during his childhood and who in 2021 took his own life. «I was skipping workouts to go and visit him in prison – said Enzo in an interview with the French media –. I did it even when we won Ligue 2. My childhood was not easy, I saw my teammates coming to the pitch with their parents while I only had my mother who gave me everything. I had to stay strong for her, for everything she gave me. Every now and then in the evening I cried alone in my room, but then I had to recover to give my best again the following day». Football saved him, it was his strength together with his mother to go on and live his life. And now Roma can be a new chapter.

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