Italy 24 Press News

Sport, delegation or department? – The Province of Civitavecchia

The elections are over and have crowned Marco Piendibene as the new mayor of Civitavecchia, and now we are waiting to understand how the team of the wide field will be structured. In addition to waiting to know who will be the new deputy mayor, the new president of the city council and the new board of Palazzo del Pincio, there is also hype to know who will deal with sports within the Piendibene administration. In the meantime, some names have started to circulate in the city, but the feeling is that we will still have to wait some time to know who will take over from Matteo Iacomelli, who in the end was not even elected as a city councilor. First of all, we need to understand if there will be a delegation for sports, or if this issue will be part of one of the departments. Among the rumors that are circulating, there is also one that speaks of a destination of the delegation for sports to the new councilor for Public Works, to ensure that all the issues of facilities do not have a division, but that they can all be addressed in the same office. But, moving on to more detailed aspects, the hot potato of city sports could be taken up by the Democratic Party, which would have more interest than the Five Star Movement, which has not presented any athletes in its list for candidacy for the city council. A hot name is certainly that of Giancarlo De Gennaro, technical director of the Asp volleyball team. A character with a wealth of experience who has always followed the events of national and local politics, who boasts an important managerial career. De Gennaro was the athlete within the winning lists that supported Marco Piendibene, who boasts a past in sports, first as a footballer, where he played as a center forward, and then in windsurfing, where he was part of the second generation of surfers of the Lega Navale. Returning to De Gennaro, the volleyball coach pocketed 166 preferences and came first for Unione Civica, in addition to having earned the role of city councilor. Another important name could be that of Patrizio Pacifico, Flavioni’s handball coach and highly regarded athletic trainer on national soil, so much so that he became part of the Italy staff, always in the handball environment. Pacifico has made himself heard a lot in recent years on the facility issue, especially regarding the PalaGrammatico issue, which is really close to Flavioni’s heart, also due to the continuous delays and unbearable delays, which have not yet led to the opening of the field that will be built in San Liborio. The Flavioni coach experienced the elections in close contact and followed Marco Piendibene in his entire tour of horizons in the polling stations throughout Civitavecchia and participated in the celebration for Piendibene’s proclamation as mayor. The new mayor prevailed also thanks to the expansion of the lists in his support. And who knows, perhaps this aspect could influence the choice for those who will follow the sport. Could a totally new name be placed, which is beyond any prediction? This is an eventuality not to be ruled out. Remaining strictly on the subject of sports, one name to mention is that of Alessio Gatti, who has already held the role of councilor following the world of sports. Gatti, who in recent years has done very well in the world of billiards, initially ran with the list Uniti per Civitavecchia with Paolo Poletti, who came in first with 275 preferences, but after the general’s exit from the field, with a view to the runoff, he fully supported the race of Marco Piendibene. For its part, the Five Star Movement could think about proposing the name of Daniela Lucernoni, who held the role of delegate for Sports in the second part of the Cozzolino administration, when Massimiliano Parla had decided to leave the post.


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