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“Novak Djokovic is treated unfairly. He is the bad guy”

At Wimbledon for an incredible feat. There is less and less left until the start of the third Slam of the year and we are waiting to find out if and in what conditions he will take the field Novak Djokovic.

The Serbian is struggling to recover from the meniscus injury suffered at Roland Garros, which forced him to undergo surgery. His presence at the Championship is still uncertain and only with the publication of the main draw, expected on Friday, will it be understood whether the outgoing finalist will be among the protagonists of the tournament.

Among the many insiders who have spoken about the situation of the former number one there is John McEnroe, current commentator for the BBC. The American legend, in an interview with iNews, praised the 37-year-old from Belgrade, speaking about the public’s treatment of the Serbian throughout his career.

The words of John McEnroe

According to McEnroe, over the years Nole has played the role of the “bad guy” of the Big Three, infiltrating the most beloved Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal. “Rafa and Roger have a legendary reputation and they deserve it.

They were incredible. Novak not only equaled them, but surpassed them both in terms of results, which seemed impossible. Both Rafa and Roger are wonderful people. They are loved and respected all over the world. Novak, on the other hand, is treated unfairly.

He’s the bad guy. I believe that, in a certain sense, there is always a need for a good guy and a bad guy. Having rivalries like this helps the sport, but I think it was unfair to him, frankly, because he is a great man for our sport, both on and off the court “commented the former tennis player.

The seven-time slam champion then took the opportunity to praise the Serbian for the way he transforms energy that is not always perceived as positive. “Novak was able to do something that I couldn’t do so brilliantly.: apply the maxim ‘in bad weather, good luck’

When people want to see the challenger or a not-so-well-known face win, he uses that as fuel to keep going. It’s an impressive quality that cannot be underestimated,” concluded McEnroe.

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