Italy 24 Press News

the harsh accusation of the sons of the Divine Ponytail

The family Baggio he experienced an evening of terror and is now collaborating with the police to try to get to the criminals. Circumstances helped the robbers in their intent, especially the bad weather which caused the cameras to go haywire.

The cameras out of order and no trace

The robbers who broke into Baggio’s villa in Altavilla Vicentina were prepared. As reported by Corriere della Serathey didn’t show their skin, they were dressed without brands and they left no distinctive features that may have remained imprinted in the minds of the victims. For now they are ghosts and the bad weather also helped them, which knocked the entire video surveillance system out of order. They behaved like professionals and three of them were also armed, while the others had their hands free.

The only detail available is the voicewhich according to the former footballer’s family seemed to be from Eastern European cadence. Now the investigators are looking for some other evidence that could nail them: a handprint or shoe sole, a hair. that the Parma Ris carabinieri (Scientific Investigations Department) have already searched in the footballer’s home. “I cannot go into details, we are working on all points of potential interest” said the commander of the RIS, Giampietro Lago.

The accusation of Baggio’s sons

In the past few hours, Baggio’s children have shared their thoughts on social media Silvia Buròcurrent vice mayor And safety advisor: “In such a delicate moment for the family, some people, including the former mayor Carlo Dalla Pozza, prefer to research personal visibilitythrough the media, stationed outside the Baggio residence, violating the privacy and disturbing the serenity of our fellow citizen and his family.” Leonardo (one of his sons), added the word “shame” to his message.

The reconstruction of the robbery

On Thursday 22 June at around 10pm, Baggio was robbed in his villa in Altavilla Vicentina and attacked by six criminals while he was seeing Italy-Spain with his family with his wife Andreina, his mother-in-law, his sons Leonardo and Mattia and his girlfriend. ‘last. The Italian legend tried to defend himselfthrowing a punch at one of the thieves, who however responded by throwing a hard blow on the former player’s forehead with the butt of the gun. Then the whole family was sequestered in a small room which was locked, while the robbers took the valuables, but not the prizes won by the player during his career, because it seems that they didn’t even know who they were robbing. When it seemed to the champion that the gang had left, he broke down the door and called for help.

Source: Getty
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