Italy 24 Press News

Motorcycle insurance, here’s the trick to saving on third-party liability: it’s the only working method

The cost of RC Moto has become increasingly heavy, but fortunately there is a method that allows you to save something.

Even motorcyclists are well aware that they need to pay a series of expenses in order to be able to travel properly with their own vehicle. Obviously, this also includes motorcycle insurance, which must always be valid. This is anything but a trivial outlay, which clearly has a significant impact on the budget. But is there a way to try to save something on RC Moto? In reality, a very specific formula can be used that is suitable for users.

The method to save on Motorcycle RC – Photo Canva (

We’re talking about of liability insurance with Bonus-Malus classes, which is also the type of insurance that motorcyclists particularly prefer. What are the benefits? With this formula, the driver of the vehicle should pay the sum foreseen for the renewal of the insurance based on his or her driving behavior.

If the motorcyclist is not involved in any accident during the year, the premium drops. However, if accidents have occurred, the amount of the policy tends to rise. To put it simply, correct behavior triggers the bonus which reduces the merit class by one point; on the contrary, in the event of liability in an accident the driver receives a penalty which causes him to be relegated two classes.

Bonus-Malus, the formula that saves you

The highest merit class is the eighteenth: those who have this class they find themselves paying a very high Motorcycle Insurance. A totally different matter for those who have the first, which is the lowest. When signing a new insurance contract you start from the 14th class (the entry class).

With the Bonus-Malus formula you can save something on RC Moto: all the details – Photo Canva (

However, it should be noted that the Malus – which causes one to move back two classes – is triggered only when the responsibility of the motorcyclist in question is greater than 50%. If, however, contributory negligence is established, the Malus is simply reported in the policy’s risk certificate: if in the following 5 years of observation the liability exceeds the 50% threshold, the Malus will be applied.

Obviously you have to keep in mind that Each insurance company charges different premiums. Just to give an example, it may happen that you end up paying a sixth class motorbike liability insurance with a certain company which however is higher or lower than what a person of the same merit class who has signed a contract with another pays. insurance company. This is why it is always better to take a look at the offers offered by the various companies.

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