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Summer sports, from padel to beach volleyball: how to avoid injuries

With the beginning of beautiful seasonthe increase in temperatures, the first weekends away and the summer holidays on the horizon, the desire to do sport overwhelms even those who, during the winter, have put aside theirphysical activity to focus on family and work. How to resist a game of Beach volley with friends on the beach, for an intense session padel or long rides in bicycle? Impossible, it’s true, but there are some aspects that should not be underestimated, especially in the period preceding the summer season we were not adequately prepared to this sudden increase in physical activity. The risk of overuse injury it’s around the corner. What is it and how to minimize it?

Overuse injuries What are they?

Anyone who regularly practices sports knows this very well: when sporting activity suddenly intensifies and without adequate training preparation, the risk of injuries to ligaments, muscles and bones is greater than ever. The overuse injuries, literally excessive use in Italian, they are more widespread than you might think and are not caused by single episodes. When a physical activity is repeated for a certain period of time after a long period of restthe risk of muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments are subjected to microtraumas to which they are not accustomed and must have time to adapt and strengthen: if this period is missing, small tissue damage accumulates and can lead to more or less serious injuries.

“When we talk about overuse we are referring to repeated athletic gestures with excessive loads on the musculoskeletal structure, often caused by poor athletic preparation. In addition to traumas resulting in injuries, there are ‘overload’ pathologies characterized by repetitive microtraumas that hinder the capacity of the tissue to repair itself”, he explained toAdnkronos Alberto Momolipresident of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SIOT) and director of Uoc Orthopedics and Traumatology at the ‘San Bortolo’ hospital in Vicenza.

Summer sports, how to avoid injuries

Regardless of the sport you decide to practice, you need to take the necessary precautions have fun and keep fit without unpleasant consequences, with the risk of ruining your holiday or time off from work. How to avoid injuries?

Plan a training period

The first step is plan a preparation phase as much as possible, so as to start training the body for the sudden increase in physical activity. This may not always be possible and this is where we need to help the body to minimize the risk of repetitive microtraumas with suitable footwear, preferably technical and designed for the sport you intend to practice.

Pay attention to rest

Not all summer sports, however, require footwear and in those cases it becomes even more important to plan periods of relaxation rest after sudden and intense physical activityso as to allow the tissues to self-repair and be ready and stronger than before for the next session.

Depending on the activity you want to carry out during the period of good weather, it is necessary to take a series of small precautions. Who points to running, for example, should pay more attention to the feet and knees, not underestimating any pain in the sole of the foot or on the heel and knee. This also applies to lovers of soccer he was born in footballwhere inflammation of the tendon structures of the knee are always lurking without adequate preparation.

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Who rediscovers it with the arrival of good weather the love for padel or tennis must pay attention to the elbows and shoulders, while throwing yourself into intense golf sessions without training has a greater risk of developing the low back pain or the elbow tendinopathies. Even the ever-loved beach volleyball is not risk-free, from tendinitis of the wrist and shoulder to possible meniscal and ankle injuries also linked to the absence of footwear capable of absorbing the loads on the joints.

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