Italy 24 Press News

20 years of fatal accidents in the world: the critical analysis of etyres – News

The data does not put our country in a good light, second in Europe for deaths. In the world there are those who do worse and those who do better, here’s what we discovered

June 6, 2024

Fto reflect the recent analysis of the etyres portal that reveals the tragic toll of road accidents from 2000 to 2019. Almost 8 million lives lost worldwide, with Italy sadly ranks second in Europe behind Poland. Many, too many deaths and, although halved in the last twenty years, they continue to be a cause for concern and reflection which an advanced civilization should well consider. It is particularly sad to know that in these twenty years of analysis Italy records an average of 5,034 deaths per year, or 14 per day. The analysis also takes into account the number of victims in relation to a fixed number of kilometers of road (500 miles to be precise) and from this point of view too our country certainly does not shine. In fact, they register 17 deaths every 500 miles, almost triple that of Icelandthe most virtuous of all, but which in fact bears little resemblance to our country both in terms of number of inhabitants and kilometers of roads that cross it.

It is therefore clear that a lot depends on the population density, on the number of kilometers of roads in a given country, but also on the safety culture of a given territory, on the laws and on the seriousness and intelligence with which they are applied. By broadening our horizons to the rest of the world we discover that India and China have 199,134 and 273,266 deaths per year respectively, while the United States, with 41,496 victims, is positioned better. In light of everything it seems that the most virtuous countries are Australia and Canadawhich rThey register fewer than 3,000 victims per yearprobably an example for many other countries to follow to protect all road users, with particular attention to pedestrians and cyclists, whose deaths are unfortunately on the rise.

Greater culture of road safety, clear, fair and shared rules, as well as adequate severity in enforcing them, this is the hope of many.

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