Italy 24 Press News

Sport and Solidarity: weekend in Vasto with the “Volleyball and 8-a-side Football Festival”

It will be a weekend full of fun on the pitch. Sport and solidarity go hand in hand, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June, for the “Volleyball and 8-a-side Football Festival” which will take place on the playing fields of the “Nuovo Polo San Gabriele”. Company representatives and sports groups that will arrive on the pitch not only from Abruzzo but also from Campania, Lazio, Molise and Marche.

The event organized by the ASD Atletica Sevel of Atessa, is included in the calendar of the Abruzzo Regional Committee of the CSAIn. (Industrial Corporate Sports Centres), chaired by Noemi Tazzi from L’Aquila. The program of the event includes the playing of two volleyball tournaments (corporate and mix volleyball) and one corporate 8-a-side football tournament.

There are 15 teams registered (8 in volleyball and 5 in 8-a-side football) which will bring around one hundred and fifty athletes, technicians, managers and referees to the Adriatic town. In company volleyball (teams made up of employees of companies/organisations, appropriately supported by external players), Cedas Stellantis from Termoli, Team United Nations from Rome, Enjoy Cedas Stellantis Atessa and a representative of Enjoy Volley Vasto will compete for victory. Six teams are involved in mix volleyball (mixed teams made up of 3 male and female athletes): Cedas Stellantis from Pratola Serra (Av), Sandro’s Squad Paglieta, Aurora Volley Ururi (CB), and three teams from Enjoy Volley Vasto, Juniors, Students and Very Young People.

Finally, these are the five teams that will give life to the 8-a-side football tournament, Cedas Stellantis of Termoli, Cedas Stellantis of Pratola Serra (Av), Cedas SEVEL of Atessa (Ch), ACRAF Angelini Ancona, Team Poseidon San Salvo. It starts on Saturday afternoon with the mix volleyball tournament. On Sunday morning, however, the company volleyball and 8-a-side football tournament matches are scheduled. All the scheduled matches will be played in the gym and on the fields of the Nuovo Polo San Gabriele in Vasto.

«We will play with a very specific purpose – underlines Walter Di Gregorio, President of the Organizing Committee – support the Giacomo Sintini Association. We will do this by all paying a small participation fee which will be donated to the non-profit organization founded by the popular former Italian volleyball champion, to support research into childhood lymphomas. For the rest we will try to have fun by peacefully spending two days of healthy amateur sport.”

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