Italy 24 Press News

Come to Coverciano, we need you for the European Championships: Spalletti calls him urgently

Urgent summons for Luciano Spalletti. The player arrives in Coverciano after the emergency: ready to start.

Still problems for Luciano Spallettiand news a Coverciano. At the last minute, another call-up arrived in the last few hours, after the withdrawal of Zaniolo which had arrived in the last stages of seasons. But also Unripewho after the Juan Jesus case had been equally taken into consideration, only to then say goodbye to the European Championships due to groin pain.

Our national team has faced many injuries and serious failures, right at the best of times, all or almost all of them at the end of the season, and another heavy setback for Spalletti’s squad is just a few hours away. In fact, the coach will have to say goodbye to another fundamental player for his squad.

The former Napoli player will have to make up for an important absence, again due to an injury on the last day. And the replacement has already been alerted to join the team in Florence.

Scalvini bids farewell to the national team: no European Championship

Last day to love Scalvini. The most useless match in the history of Serie A, recovered on June 2nd due to the European finals and which could no longer decide anything, cost Scalvini the European Championship in the most classic of pranks. The youngster will not be called up and will train in Bergamo to return next year.

A serious injury, with the rupture of the cruciate ligament of the left knee, which occurred in a not even very excited action and a movement that was not entirely unnatural. In any case, the response from Florence was heavy, a boulder, for the promising defender of the Goddess. In its place Spalletti has already called up to Coverciano Gatti, the great one excluded from the pre-summit squad.

Cats source LaPresse –

Gatti, unexpected call

Incredibly, the 4 goals in the 32 games played, the excellent performances even in important matches, and the ownership of Juventus in Federico Gatti to win a blue shirt for the European Championships. And this year there are those who had done decidedly less – the group of Napoli’s 10th-placed Azzurri for example, coming off an unwatchable season – to deserve a place for Germany.

The fact is that the Juventus number 4 was not even able to take over from Acerbi, but even had to wait for the second injury in the department to find a place among the pre-summit squad. Gatti will probably also be confirmed for the expedition to Germany, given the crisis – at this point – of the defensive department afterwards two lump sums for injuries within a few weeks.

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