Italy 24 Press News

Betsson and the two stars: here’s how much Inter earns. Sleeve sponsor…

The new shirt will be on sale from July 1st with the new sponsor

As anticipated by, from next season Inter’s new sponsor will be Betsson. As Gazzetta dello Sport points out, if Suning had remained at the helm of the company, the new three-year agreement, worth around thirty million per season, would have been announced these days and instead the new partnership will be “revealed” later.

“For now, the attention of everyone in Viale della Liberazione is focused on Tuesday’s board of directors which will sanction the appointment of the members of the board and the election of the new president. At that point Inter will be able to operate freely again and therefore announce new contracts (like that of or renewals (Barella, Lautaro and Inzaghi). The money arriving from Betsson will allow the Nerazzurri’s revenues to take an important step forward as regards the main sponsor (from 11.5 to 11.5). 30 million per season)”.

“Now we need to find the new brand that will replace eBay on the sleeve. Maybe Oaktree will open up new solutions on the American market.”

As for the new shirt, the newspaper underlines that it will go on sale after July 1st. “When the current agreement with Paramount+ is concluded and it will also be possible to put up the scudetto which will formally belong to Napoli until 30 June. Everything that revolves around Inter, however, at the moment… is working incredibly well. season ticket campaign has started in a very positive way, but the Tik Tok data are also impressive as in April they put Inter in fourth place among European clubs (behind Real Madrid, Barcelona and Manchester City; ahead of Juventus in fifth) in terms of total of views (123 million)”.

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