Italy 24 Press News

G1 Trapani Shark – Flats Service Fortitudo Bologna, halftime

Trapani Shark – Flats Service Fortitudo Bologna 85-73

Drilled from a player and from bad luck, who as Freak said – a Fortitudo fan, not for nothing – sees very well. Game one of the final doesn’t go well for Bologna, who in the 22nd minute had already taken 38 (thirty-eight points) not from Trapani, but from the single Notae. And he had already lost Aradori, who remained planted on his second possession, leaving, it is feared, an Achilles tendon. Totally incapable of limiting something, to be honest, that hadn’t been seen since the days of the various Esposito and co, the rest of the second half is a not even very tight rubber band, never collapsing but never returning except to an ephemeral -5. Difficult to comment, that’s all.


We start with the first F basket which arrives when Trapani is already at 9 and Aradori, knocked out, out of the game. The problem is the attack, which loses 5 balls in the first 5′ and doesn’t find an easy shot against more lively opponents: flashes, trying more to limit the damage than to impose itself, and 18-12 Trapani in the 10th minute.

Sweating and suffering we put the arrow up to +4, but more than the absence of Aradori the problem is the presence of Notae, and they are 16-2 in an amen, all his, the score reversed and Bartezzaghi which cannot be resolved, with moment in which he has 25 and the whole Effe has 24. Actually no, he has 30 and Bologna 29. Actually no, 33-29. Having now become a mess, with both teammates and opponents watching the show, the first half ends 42-31 with Notae scoring 24 in the second quarter alone. That is, everyone.

When Alibegovic scores +15, he breaks a series of 29 straight points from Notae, so to speak. Bolpin brings him back to humanity, the game goes back to being a match and not a wow, with Bologna being in the area also because Trapani is not very ready to find other hot men. But the problem is in the last 25″: instead of managing Effe he looks for a counterattack which leads Conti to take a foul and make a free throw, but giving the ball back to Trapani who scores a hat-trick with Pullazi: it could have been -4, the 30th minute reaches -8 , 62-54.

Alibegovic decides that it’s his moment, opening the gap that doesn’t allow Fortitudo to even try to dream. And the rest is garbage time. See you on Monday, but at this point, a miracle will truly be needed.

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