Italy 24 Press News

Chiellini: “Inter unlucky in the Champions League. Barella has grown, Bastoni…”

How do you see Spalletti’s Italy?

“It’s a young Italy. We are in a cycle that is changing and we can see it from the average age and the players called up. But there is Spalletti who is at the top of his career. He has something special and the love for the national team. The hope is that they can create something exceptional. I’m curious and excited to see them, I’ll be rooting for them.”

“We are not in the first tier. I think France, Portugal and England are the best of the others. Spain has an important history and Germany plays at home. These are the main favourites. I like to put Italy one step below, but It doesn’t bother me. I know that from the round of 16 onwards it’s a team that no one wants to face.”

One of the scenes about you is the intervention on Saka during the final. How does that intervention remain in your memory?

“In reality it was a stupid mistake: I misread the situation, but there was the ability to react to the mistake. At that moment it was the right thing to do, not the best, but I’m someone who has always focused on effectiveness and not on elegance and style”.

The other aspect, however, is linked to the word Kirikocho that you said during penalties…how did it come about?

“It was born from Bentancur and Dybala. On every free kick and penalty from the opponents they said it to bring harm to others. It stayed with me and every now and then I said it too: during the penalties it showed but that wasn’t what made us win. I would say it was more Donnarumma. You should shout ‘Gigio’ which I think would work even better.”

Who can be the new Chiellini?

“I think it’s wrong to try to make comparisons. I played with Cannavaro but I wasn’t the new Cannavaro, I never compared myself to him. Now I play new guys who are growing: Bastoni has more experience and doing that European Championship helped him without a doubt. Barella has also grown at an international level, as has Jorginho. Then we have the best goalkeeper in the world, Donnarumma, who is a great value for the Azzurri.”

Bonucci said goodbye to football. Do you want to send him a message?

“He was the last to give up. Now we’ve all stopped. I was close to him for many years, I already did what I had to tell him. It was an honor to share so much with him.”

Maybe the BBC, even with Buffon, can work together one day?

“It would be wonderful. Maybe Bonucci as coach, Barzagli as assistant, Chiellini as director and Buffon as president. But those are dreams that can’t be realized.”

What’s planned for your future?

“I will return to Turin after the summer. For now I have no other plans. I started working in Los Angeles: I like it and I’m finding myself very well there. I’m learning all the managerial and business aspects.”

How do you see Conte at Napoli?

“Good. I think he’ll do well. Something will have to change: it’s a beautiful and explosive combination with all of Naples.”

Instead Thiago Motta at Juventus?

“As a player he was already a coach on the pitch. You could see that he would become a coach. This year he has done something extraordinary. He has everything to do well. I hope he will feel good in the black and white, but I am confident.”

How do you analyze Juventus’ season?

“Juve this year did their best. Not even Guardiola could have done better.”

A message for the kids at the European Championship.

“Enjoy it. Never like this time can you play without pressure. See you on Sky to comment on the European Championships.”


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