Italy 24 Press News

Ranco’s Sabers confirm themselves as Lombard touch rugby champions

UISP NEWSLETTER of 23 May 2024

RUGBY TOUCH – The Ranco Sabers are regional champions for the third time
From year to year the Lombardy Touch Championship of the Italian Rugby Federation becomes increasingly competitive, this time divided into 10 different stages, tournaments hosted from time to time by the participating teams throughout Lombardy. Despite the presence of opponents from much better known clubs such as Parabiago, Lecco and Tradate, this time too the Sabers Ranco – affiliated to Uisp – they managed to win the
Champions title of Lombardy. Throughout the 2023/24 season the toughest opponents were always the boys from Rugby Romano (BG) who even overtook the Sabers in the standings in some of the stages, but the Varese team won the last two convincingly appointments to conclude the championship with 6 points ahead.

The success of the Sabers is largely due to the match management of the captain, Filippo Zuffada, assisted by two other expert players, Ivan Bonomi and Stefano Pirovano. The Touch national finals will be held in Pesaro on June 1st.
On Sunday 16 June, the Sabers will be present with the Youth Section and with touch rugby demonstrations at the Sports Day on the Angera lakefront.
In the photo below, taken at the end of the last stage in Verdello (BG). Standing: Dai Berry, Filippo Rembold, Filippo Turetta, Eric Landoni, Maurizio Marseglia, Stefano Pirovano, Sveva Rembold. In front of: Filippo Zuffada, Ivan Bonomi, Valentino Saccogna, Zanna.

BUSTO ARSIZIO – CSK’s summer “CRES” are back

Also this summer the Csk of Busto Arsizio – affiliated with Uisp – organizes Cres, a project that comes to life during the interruption of school activities by supporting families who request it, turning to children and teenagers aged 4 to 15. The first proposal is the Summer Cres, which takes place at the Pieve di Cadore schools from 17 June to 30 August (excluding the week from 12 to 16 August) and offers sports activities such as Karate, Gymnastics, Yoga, Basketball, Tennis, Football, Volleyball, Slackline, Dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, Modern Dance, Irish Dances, Russian Spoon Workshop, Russian Dance Workshop using the shawl, Acrobatic Gymnastics, Athletics, etc. As well as open-air, playful and recreational workshops, without neglecting holiday tasks to which a daily space is dedicated.

This year too the Cres Wild Edition in the Alto Milanese park, from 10 June to 6 September, excluding the week of August. Children, like gods little explorers, they will learn to live with awareness and respect for the environment around them. For info:

SPORT AND INCLUSION – Uisp is rainbow

On May 17th the International day against homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, an anniversary recognized by the European Union and the United Nations, with the aim of promoting and coordinating international awareness and prevention events to combat the phenomenon. On this occasion Uisp confirmed its commitment alongside and for the rights of LGBTQI+ people, through initiatives, campaigns and projects that affect the entire territory throughout the year, not just on this day.

«It is important to remember the origin of this anniversary – he says Manuela Claysset, responsible for gender policies and rights Uisp – which has a relevant meaningparticularly if we reflect on the fact that it is not a principle recognized in all countries
world. In many states homosexuality is even considered a crime to be prosecuted,
therefore it is important to continue to raise awareness and ask for rights for everyone, at every
latitude and every day of the year. I am there are many Uisp Committees that have been working on for some time these themes, giving life to a commitment that goes beyond the day, and which has always characterized Uisp policies”.

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