Ndoye-Inter, everything confirmed: the announcement is here

Ndoye is one of the hottest names in the Inter perspective, considered the chosen one for the right flank in the event that Denzel Dumfries were to leave Milan.

Marotta and Ausilio they consider Dan Water one of the best to replace Denzel Dumfries in case of transfer. The Swiss international has demonstrated his qualities during the championship and continues to shine at the European Championships.

He spoke about the future of the Bologna winger Louis Spinosimember of the entourage of Dan Waterwho attended as a guest at TVPlay to delve deeper into issues related to the future of his client.

Ndoye-Inter: the announcement of the entourage

About Ndoye I can tell you that he is having a great European Championship” he made his debut Thorny. Beyond the goal against Napoli, skills to improve, It really has everything you need to be a top club. What I noticed together with my partners, he raised his level in important matches. He is ready to go to a team superior to Bologna, would have no impact problems“. According to Spinosi, therefore, Ndoye would be ready and open to playing in a top club, after the season that then led to qualification for the Champions League played in Bologna.

Spinosi then continued:Ndoye followed by Inter and Juventus? I can tell you that he is being watched not only by Italian teams, but also by foreign ones. The good thing is that he is in a club like Bologna, super healthy, which will play in the Champions League. As of today there is nothing concrete if no expressions of interest. He is a complete player who, if he can be more decisive up front it will be from a top club fascia”. The interest of Inter and Juve in the Swiss winger has therefore been confirmed.

Obviously everything revolves around Denzel Dumfries: Inter are working on the Dutchman’s renewal, but if an agreement fails, the winger could be sold. There had been talk in recent months of possible interest from Premier League clubs. The Nerazzurri could probably decide to ask for a figure around 30 million euros, which would then be immediately diverted to Dan Water.

Another very close move for Inter is that of Joseph Martinez. The Genoa goalkeeper could soon arrive in Milan for medical visits. This is Spinosi’s comment on the matter: “I read that Inter has taken Josep Martinezwe at the stable had Bento. I guess they went for the Genoa goalkeeper for technical reasons. They know Martinez better, because he’s been playing in Italy for two years. Safe choice, easier. Inter cannot afford to gamble. And I imagine that these are the reasons that pushed the Nerazzurri not to focus on Bento”.

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