Operations between two budgets: Juventus trembles again, what is happening

Operations between two budgets: Juventus trembles again, what is happening
Operations between two budgets: Juventus trembles again, what is happening

Juventus is back to dealing with issues related to sports justice: the accounting trick risks getting the Bianconeri into trouble

Juventus’ first transfer market move comes from the Premier League: a few days ago Douglas Luiz he is a new Juventus player, purchased outright from Aston Villa for a value of 50 million euros.

Giuntoli (LaPresse) – Calciomercato.it

A negotiation that saw the opposite path taken Iling Junior e Barrenecheapaid respectively fourteen and eight million euros, in addition to the bonuses that could accrue. An operation that, however, at an accounting level, is already causing discussion due to the press release issued by Juventus itself, which made the three transfers official with different timing.

The Piedmontese club, in fact, tends to specify that “these operations – on the basis of preliminary legal and accounting investigations – can be classified as separate and distinct operations from both a contractual and substantial point of view”. Therefore, separate transactions and not exchanges, even if the Juventus tends to specify that “in the event that the transactions were considered exchanges and where even just one of the aforementioned requirements was not deemed satisfied (commercial substance and reliable measurement of fair value), the transactions could not be recorded at fair value”. Furthermore, the same company recalls that the accounting for the transactions in question will only take place in the Half-Yearly Report as of December 31, 2024 with approval expected in February 2025.

Graziano also intervened on the topic via social media Fields who wanted to have his say on the operation carried out by Juventus.

Juventus, Douglas Luiz deal: “Accounting trick”

In particular, Campi states that the “Juventus press release clarifies a lot of doubts that I had raised” and explains that now it is up to the institutions “because Juventus, prudentially, relies on them to have confirmations on the status of exchange or separate operations. In the second case we would have a sensational own goal by FIGC” referring to past judgments given by the sports justice.

Douglas Luiz (LaPresse) – Calciomercato.it

Campi also responds to the doubts raised and underlines: “Recording two transactions between two balance sheets and saying that they are not connected, what do you call it, if not an accounting trick?“. Finally, there is also another tweet by Campi himself that raises the issue: “On the issue of “exchange” or “unconnected operation” a journalist who received a message in which a manager would be enough Juve describes the negotiation as intertwined (e.g. by telling of McKennieetc…), to upset the situation in front of a sports judge”.

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