“He cheated on me.” What happened

It’s a crack that will never heal between Walter Zenga e Benito (for all Benny) Carbone. Old grudges resurfaced from an outburst by the former Inter and national team goalkeeper, after his former friend was chosen by the Nerazzurri club as Under 18 coach. «Today (yesterday, ndr) I was at the Inter headquarters, my home, my life, and I learned that the Under 18s will be coached by someone who betrayed me (I’m not naming him because he doesn’t deserve it) and I ask myself: does the person who decides do so with full knowledge of the facts or out of sympathy??? The Unders should be coached by those who have ideals and a sense of honesty. Oh well Inter, maybe it’s better to give those who don’t have these values ​​opportunities that they don’t deserve rather than instilling healthy principles in kids”, we read in a story by Zenga on social media.

The former Nerazzurri goalkeeper never mentions Benny Carbone, but the reference immediately seemed clear to everyone. This outburst came immediately after the news of the agreement now reached between Carbone and Inter.

But what happened between the two? It all dates back to a few months ago, when Zenga coached in the United Arab Emirates, at the Emirates Club, and Carbone was his assistant. However, after a poor run of results, with five points obtained in six matches, the Emirati club decided to rterminate the relationship with the former goalkeeper more than a year early, entrusting the team to his assistant, Carbone. He accepted the job and this never went down well with Walter. Now he is angry about the news that his former assistant will be the new coach of the Inter Under 18 team.

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