Buffon, the exception that proves the rule: he is considering resigning

Buffon, the exception that proves the rule: he is considering resigning
Buffon, the exception that proves the rule: he is considering resigning

The failed experience in Germany is pushing the Italian team manager to say goodbye

Although it is a practice not very widespread in Italy, resignation is crossing Gigi Buffon’s mindat the end of his first experience as team manager in an important event of the National. An event that was also one of the worst in recent Italian history. The former goalkeeper has picked up the baton of two other great icons of our footballlike Riva and Vialli, bringing his experience to high levels and playing the role of mediator between management, technical body and players.

As Tuttosport reports, “it is not yet a formal act, but a reflection. A reflection that arises not so much from the elimination against Switzerland, but from the modalities, which he considered serious”. Concepts such as dignity and mutual respect are more important to Buffon than any role, even if prestigious and in line with a career at the highest level. For now there is no letter on Gravina’s desk, there are only his personal evaluations. There could soon be a discussion before the final decision.

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