Are you a true enthusiast? Try to answer these questions

It’s easy to talk about the NBA and know all the exploits of Michael Jordan, James LeBron, Wilt Chamberlain and all the other protagonists of the American basketball championship, but every true fan is aware of the value of Serie A, because Italian basketball has nothing to envy the USA in terms of records.

On specialized sites like Betfair there are all the statistical curiosities about teams and individual basketball players, who have set the most unreachable all-time records ever, while Olimpia Milano extends its streak of titles won, there are several surprises and numbers that every basketball fan should know like a mantra. Do you feel like a true basketball expert? Try to answer these questions.

Which three Italian basketball teams have won the most titles?

As already mentioned, with the 31st victory of the 2023 – 2024 Serie A championship, Olimpia Milano has extended its record, also placing itself in second place 19 times, for a total of 50 championships finished in the top 2.

If there is a team that always starts as a favorite or direct competitor to the probable winner in the Serie A basketball betting schedule, this is Virtus Bologna, which has finished the Italian championship in the top 2 35 times, obtaining 16 title victories. In third place in the all-time ranking is Pallacanestro Varese with 10 titles and as many second places.

Which teams were the protagonists in the playoff final from 2021 to 2024?

For four consecutive years Virtus Bologna and Olimpia Milano faced each other in the playoff final with the result of 3 titles won by the Lombard team and 1 title won by the Emilians. In 2023 Olimpia Milano reached its third star on the uniform by grabbing the thirtieth title.

Who are the basketball players who have scored the most points in Serie A?

This is definitely a trickier question but if you are a true basketball fan you should know all the record numbers by heart. The best basketball player of all time in Serie A basketball is an Italian, Antonello Riva, who from 1977 to 2002 scored 14,397 points in 785 matches played.

In second place in this special all-time ranking is Brazilian basketball player Oscar Schmidt, who scored 13,957 points from 1982 to 1993, while in third place on the podium is another Italian, Carlton Myers, who scored 11,320 points from 1988 to 2009.

Who are the three Serie A basketball players with the best scoring averages of all time?

This question is particularly important, because the best basketball player in Serie A surpasses the record of average points set by Michael Jordan in the NBA of 30.12 points per game. Oscar Schmidt played for Juvecaserta and Pavia and in 403 games he managed to maintain a stratospheric average of 34.63 points per game.

In second place is the American Chuck Jura with an average of 28.69 points per match, while closing the podium of this special all-time ranking is another American basketball player who played in Serie A, we are talking about Mike Mitchell who from 1988 to 1999 achieved an average of 28.06 points.

Which teams have participated in the most Serie A basketball championships?

Once again Olimpia Milano dominates the rankings with 83 championships played out of a total of 84, while Virtus Bologna follows in second place with 81 championships played in Serie A.

In third place is Pallacanestro Varese with 75 Serie A championships, while VL Pesaro has participated in 65 editions of the top Italian basketball championship.

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