Italy 24 Press News

Accident at work in Minturno, 21-year-old dies crushed by tractor in front of father

Serious accident at work this morning in the Minturno countryside, where 21-year-old Francesco Mazzucco died, crushed under a tractor. It was his father who rescued him and called for help.

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A twenty-one year old boy died, crushed by a tractor. The dramatic events occurred this morning, Friday 28 June, in the province of Latina. The victim of the serious accident is Francesco Mazzucco, for whom unfortunately there was nothing that could be done to save his life. This is yet another one work accident in the Pontine area, after that of the farm worker Satnam Singh. In this specific case the boy, as learned from Fanpage.itwas working on a family land together with his father, specifically at maintenance of an olive grove. It was therefore one family tragedy.

The tractor crushed the boy

According to what has been reconstructed so far, at the time the dramatic events that led to his disappearance occurred, the boy was working in the campaigns of Pulcheriniwhen suddenly, the agricultural vehicle overturned for reasons unknown and still under investigation, probably due to a wrong maneuver, and crushed him. His father, who was present, tried to get him out, but his death practically occurred instantly. The health personnel, having received the report with the request for help, arrived at the scene of the incident and tried to resuscitate the young man, but unfortunately every attempt to save his life proved in vain, there was nothing to be done except declare his death.

Investigations in progress

The intervention of the on-site staff was also necessary fire fightersPresent for the routine surveys and investigations to reconstruct the dynamics of the incident. carabinieri of territorial jurisdiction of the local station of Minturno and of the Compagnia di Formia, who sent an information to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Cassino.

Accident in Latina, man crushed to death by tractor while watering kiwis

The news of the sudden and premature death of the young man spread quickly in the city, and the community gathered around the family, waiting for the funeral to be celebrated, to give him a final farewell. Many messages of condolence to the boy, including that of Mayor Gerardo Stefanelli: “The news of the tragic death of Francesco in Pulcherini has recently arrived. Another death at work which leaves us shocked, astonished and incredulous for a young life cut short at just twenty-one years old. The causes of the accident are being ascertained , which led to the tractor the boy was working on overturning. My sympathy to his family and the entire community for this collective pain.”

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