Italy 24 Press News

“Jews are a race, I despise it”: Fanpage’s 2nd investigation on Gioventù Nazionale shakes FdI. Pace and Segnini leave their positions

“The Jews are a caste, Campania of income by virtue of the Holocaust. There are too many of them, I despise it as a race, because objectively it is a race. There is the Aryan race, there is the Jewish race, there is the black race”, says a militant not knowing she is being filmed. And then insults to disabled people and hymns to Nazism from […]




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Jews are a caste, Campanian income by virtue of the Holocaust. Are too many, I despise them as a race, because objectively it is a race. There is it Aryan race, there is the Jewish race, there is the black race”, says a militant not knowing she is being filmed. And then insults to disabled people and hymns to Nazism by militants of National youthwho over the years have collaborated, or still collaborate, with the top executives of Brothers of Italy. It is the portrait that emerges from the youth organization of the main majority party second episode of the investigation Fanpage “Gioventù meloniana” presented last night at the Monk in Rome.

It’s over in the sights of FdI’s young people Esther Mieliformer spokesperson of the Jewish Community of Rome, now parliamentarian of the Brothers of Italy and member of the Secret Commission against anti-Semitic hatred. He talks about her – without knowing he is being filmed – Flaminia Pacesecretary of the Pinciano Roman club of Gioventù Nazionale: “The best thing yesterday was taking the piss… for the swastikas and then I had made the press release for solidarity to Ester Mieli…”, he says.

“Brothers of Italy will intervene with great firmness towards those responsible”, promises Giovanni Donzellinational coordinator of the FdI, who in this second episode is directly brought into question due to his professional connection with two exponents of his party’s youth organisation: Caterina Funelmember of the Fdi conference secretariat, e Ilaria Partipilopresident of Gioventù Nazionale in Bari, whose relationships with the Undersecretary of Health are also highlighted Marcello Gemmatoalso by Fratelli d’Italia.

A first consequence would concern Pace himself, who is the director of Gioventù Nazionale. This morning the FdI representative left his post in National Youth Council“the consultative body responsible for representing young people in dialogue with the institutions for any discussion on policies that concern the world of youth, established with Law n.145/2018”.

The second episode of the investigation also highlights other links between the youth and the party’s upper echelons. “I have never stopped being racist and fascist,” she claims – still unaware of being recorded – Elisa Segninihead of the deputy’s secretariat Ylenia Lucasellparty group leader in the Budget Committee of the Chamber. And he adds: “I’m going to Budapest to celebrate and I’m telling Orban that Ilaria Salis she must rot in prison with the mice and rats eating her feet.” In the afternoon Segnini she resigned.

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