Italy 24 Press News

little girl ends up underwater in a swimming pool in Aquaneva Park. She is very serious

Inzago, 17 June 2024 – Drama in one of the swimming pools of the Aquaneva Park: there is fear for the conditions of an 11 year old girl of Senagal origin. The little girl was extracted in very serious conditions from one of the amusement center facilities, after being ended up under water without being able to resurface. A lifeguard was the first to spot her and come running: the little girl he was on his stomach and face down, immersed in water.

Inzago, the local police at the entrance of the aquatic center to investigate the case

It is not yet possible to know whether the little girl – who was at the water park on a trip with the summer center of the oratory of a parish in Caravaggio, in the Lower Bergamo area, which she had been attending for a week – had an illness or was the victim of a accident while playing in the water, or ended up in the water by falling into the facility. The dynamics of what happened are being examined by investigators. She certainly was found in cardiac arrest and taken to the Papa Giovanni hospital in Bergamo by helicopter, at the end of the resuscitation maneuvers by the 118 operators. Now the 11-year-old is hospitalized in intensive care: serious but alive. The next few hours will be decisive.

“Around 10.45 the little girl was found by one of our lifeguards in the pool – confirms Mara Invernice, manager of Aquaneva – he was not conscious and resuscitation measures were immediately activated and continued until the air ambulance arrived.”

The local police patrol at Acquaneva in Inzago

They intervened on site for the investigations carabinieri and local police: it will be up to them to reconstruct the phases of what happened and establish the causes. The water park remained open after the accident.

Acquaneva Park was the scene of another accident involving a very young visitor to the facility. In 2018 an 11 year old boy he fell from a height of approximately 7 metres while running the route of an attraction.

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