Italy 24 Press News

Elon Musk’s threat after the agreement between Apple and OpenAI: “Ready to ban ‘Apple’ devices in my companies”

“Self Apple intact OpenAI at the level of iOS – its operating system – then Apple devices will be prohibited in mine companies“. They are the words of Elon Muskpublished on Xafter Apple announced a partnerships with the company of ChatGPT. “This is unacceptable security breach“. Not only. In a subsequent post the CEO of Tesla he added that “it’s absurd that Apple isn’t enough intelligent to create its own artificial intelligence, but is somehow able to ensure that OpenAI protects yours safety And privacy. Apple has no idea what will happen once i data they are in the hands of OpenAI.”

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The agreement between the company of Cupertino and OpenAI was announced last Tuesday (in the Italian night). The goal is to bring ChatGPT to Windows operating systems Apple. An integration that will arrive on the next versions of the operating systems for iPhone, iPad and Mac. “Here’s our next big step, la Apple Intelligence“said the Apple CEO Tim Cook at the Cupertino Developer Conference after launching the company’s AI. “AI must reflect our principles: be powerful, intuitive, integrated into our products and built to maintain privacy.”

But Musk isn’t into it. The one between the owner of Tesla and OpenAI, a company that he later helped found abandon, it’s not a good relationship. Last February 29, the well-known entrepreneur and billionaire filed a lawsuit cause against OpenAI. The reason? Issues that have to do with “the risk of general artificial intelligence“, the so-called Act. Not only. Musk takes issue with the company led by Sam Altman to have become a company from a non-profit for profit. Furthermore, Musk has also launched his own artificial intelligence, Grokmaking it open source, i.e. open to everyone.

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