Italy 24 Press News

European Championships 2024, Renzi admits defeat and attacks Calenda: «We could have had 7 parliamentarians»

«Nothing, it went badly. Unfortunately, the United States of Europe list was left out of the European Parliament for a very short time.” Matteo Renzi entrusts the analysis of the defeat of the United States of Europe, which did not reach 4%, to a message on social networks. «I’m very sorry and I would like to hug the volunteers who worked hard for this idea: you were wonderful. The gratuitousness of your service expands the heart. I would like to hug one by one the thousands of people who wrote my name on the ballot: I am truly honored to still represent the hope of so many people even if I would have preferred a few more votes on the list”, he says.

The quorum

Then he moves on to his ally: «I am grateful to Emma Bonino and to all the political leaders who believed in us. But politics is a great school of life even when you don’t win. And so I can’t be sad, dear friends. Because I am very convinced that it was right to make this proposal, at this moment: today’s crazy world needs the United States of Europe and it was nice to affirm the reasons for a dream that goes against the grain. We fought, we expressed ideas we believe in, we got involved. We didn’t have a quorum, what a shame. But today we will not stop fighting for this idea of ​​Europe, the only one in which Italy can play a leading role. We will find ways to insist on the cultural and values ​​battle for a different Europe”, assures the leader of Italia Viva.


Finally, the attack on Carlo Calenda: «The Italian result is affected by the absurd breakdown of the Third Pole: we could have had seven reformist European parliamentarians together. And instead they are zero. How crazy. But the citizens have chosen and the citizens are always right: I wish the elected officials to honor their commitment in Strasbourg by giving them the most sincere compliments. We, from the Italian Parliament and from our roles of responsibility, will continue to do our part with the smile of those who know that it is better to risk and lose an election than to scrape by and lose a challenge. That’s how we are – we men in the arena, Roosevelt would have said – and we will never change, for anything in the world. Long live the United States of Europe! Good night, dear friends”, he concludes.

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