Italy 24 Press News

European elections: Ilaria Salis will be MEP with the Greens and Left Alliance

Ilaria Salis will be an MEP in the EU Parliament with the Greens and Left Alliance. Thanks to parliamentary immunity, you will end your imprisonment in Hungary, after 15 months of harsh detention and subsequent imprisonment under house arrest


They are finished European elections and with them the ordeal of Ilaria Saliselected to the European Parliament with the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra (Avs) list.

After fifteen months of preventive detention in Hungary and the exhausting struggle to obtain house arrest, the teacher will be able to officially return to freedom thanks to parliamentary immunity.

“Aside from the results that will have to be confirmed, we can say with fair certainty that Ilaria Salis will be an MEP and I think she will be elected with an avalanche of votes.” said the national secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni. “We know that Ilaria is watching us,” added Angelo Bonelli, of the Greens

Why Ilaria Salis was arrested and how she became known throughout Europe

Salis, 40 years old in a few days, was arrested on 11 February 2023 on charges of aggravated assault and politically motivated criminal conspiracy, for attacking far-right protesters during a neo-Nazi rally. She declared herself innocent and rejected the prosecutor’s plea bargain proposal of eleven years’ imprisonment.

Together with two German citizens, also accused, risks more than twenty years in prison but so far no one among the witnesses has recognized her as one of the perpetrators of the beating.

His detention in degrading conditions she aroused anger and indignation in many European countries when, under the eyes of the media, last January she was brought before a judge for the first hearing of the trial with her hands and feet shackled.

The Greens and Left Alliance decided to nominate her to “protect the rights and dignity” of European citizens and to denounce uncivilized methods of detention. “The idea is that a great and generous battle can be generated around Ilaria Salis’ candidacy so that the European Union defends the principles of the Rule of Law and reaffirms the inviolability of fundamental human rights throughout its territory and in each of the member states”, wrote Nicola Fratoianni of the Italian Left and Angelo Bonelli of Green Europe in April in a post on Facebook.

It is very likely that the Alliance will now bring legislative initiatives to the future European Parliament for safeguarding the rights of people involved in criminal proceedings in all the countries of the Union, as declared by the two parties at the time of Salis’ candidacy.

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