Italy 24 Press News

Biden lashes Netanyahu: ‘Extend the war for power’ – Middle East

On the eve of a long trip to Europe during which he will have to deal with the allies and their different positions on the war in Gaza, Joe Biden gives his friend Bibi a shove. After making public the Israeli plan for a ceasefire to put pressure not only on Hamas, but also on Israel, as many analysts claim, the American president admitted for the first time that there are reasons to believe that Netanyahu is prolonging the conflict for his political survival.

He does not declare it openly, but in a long interview with Time the commander-in-chief responded that the prime minister’s opponents are not entirely wrong in believing that he is trying to maintain power through war. “I don’t want to comment – said Biden – but there are all the elements to draw this conclusion”. An unprecedented and strong statement, then partially softened by the spokesperson of the National Security Council, John Kirby, in a briefing with a small group of journalists.

The White House official, in fact, explained that what the president meant was that criticism of Netanyahu’s policies are “internal matters” and that the American government “continues to support Israel in its fight against Hamas”. Of course, the differences between the two leaders on some key issues are undeniable, as Biden himself underlined in the interview.

“My main disagreement with Netanyahu is what will happen after the end of the war in Gaza? Will Israeli forces withdraw? A two-state solution is needed, a transition to a two-state solution. And this is my biggest disagreement with Bibi Netanyahu”, insisted the American president who, however, acknowledged that the Israeli prime minister was “prepared for anything to save the hostages”. “Hamas could put an end to all this tomorrow, the last offer Israel made was very generous. Bibi is under enormous pressure on the hostages,” he stressed.

To know more ANSA Agency Hamas: ‘No agreement without the end of the war’ – News – Qatar: ‘We await clear answers’. IDF: ‘Ready for Lebanon’ (ANSA)

The White House has announced that the two leaders will speak in the coming days, while it has not given any information on the possible visit of the Israeli prime minister to Washington. According to the sites Punchbowl news and Politico, Netanyahu is expected to speak to Congress on June 13, a date however denied by his office because it coincides with a Jewish holiday that ends on that day. The most plausible hypothesis could then be that the prime minister leaves immediately after the holiday, to then intervene on Capitol Hill and perhaps stay until Biden’s return from the G7, on 15 or 16 June.

Meanwhile, the United States continues to press for a ceasefire agreement and announces a UN Security Council resolution in support of the plan. “Numerous leaders and governments, including in the region, have endorsed this plan,” said US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield. The draft text “welcomes the new agreement announced on May 31 and calls on Hamas to fully accept it and implement its terms without delay and without conditions.”

Israel: ’43 of the 120 hostages still in Gaza are dead’

A third of the Israeli hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza have died, or 43 out of 120. The estimate is contained in a count carried out by the Israeli government which was reported by international media reported by the Jerusalem Post.

The data – it was explained – is based on various sources, including intelligence information, closed circuit cameras or videos and forensic analysis. The release of the 120 hostages, including the bodies of the 43 estimated dead, is part of the agreement between Hamas and Israel, relaunched by President Biden. On October 7, about 250 people were kidnapped from the kibbutzim, some were released in November.

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