Italy 24 Press News

Roberto Salis’ appeal, ‘government help us with bank transfer’ – News

There is no date yet and the only certainty is that, sooner or later, he will leave prison to go under house arrest, waiting for his trial to end. The third hearing for Ilaria Salis is approaching and her parents still don’t know about her when she will be released from the maximum security prison on Gyorskocsi utca where they met her for two hours this morning.

“She’s quite happy that the moment is approaching, we’re anxious to get the date”, explains Roberto Salis who then went with his wife to the office of Gyorgy Magyar, the Hungarian lawyer who has to receive the Italian bank transfer to then first turn it over to the Treasury Ministry who will in turn send it to the court. But no news has come from the lawyer Magyar, who will be in the courtroom on Friday after having left the task of defending Ilaria Salis in the first two hearings to Balint Gyene, another lawyer from his firm. And tomorrow the two Italian lawyers, Eugenio Losco and Mauro Straini, will also arrive in Budapest.

The 39-year-old Italian activist, candidate with Avs for the next European elections, can only wait in prison where she has decided to write a book in which “she will tell her story and I think she also wants to explain some things about how society should be”, explains her father Roberto. That she appeals to the Italian government explaining that “it would be desirable for it to do something. The only thing missing – he says – is to provide the guarantee that the bank transfer issued on Friday is arriving, this alone would be enough”.

“It doesn’t depend on the government – he adds – but the government, if there were the necessary authority, I imagine could go and speak to the Hungarian Minister of Justice and say ‘we guarantee that this money is arriving’. The banking procedure has not yet allowed get the funds here: if they were already here, there would be no need for help.”

To know more ANSA Agency Ilaria Salis’ wait, release date missing – News – Last Wednesday it seemed like a matter of hours, but the release of Ilaria Salis, the 39-year-old Milanese activist in prison for over 15 months in Budapest, risks being postponed until next week. (HANDLE)

With the embassy, ​​however, he is organizing his daughter’s future movements since her release from prison “will be complicated from a logistical point of view” because “we need to understand how she will move to house arrest and, if this happens before the hearing, then understand how she will move in court. I will only feel safe when Ilaria is in Italy.”

“We have had some not positive signals, there were leaks immediately after his arrest and his residence address in Italy was leaked by the police, so I would feel calmer in Italy”, concludes Roberto Salis.

In fact, the climate in Hungary has never been particularly tender towards the Milanese activist and has certainly not changed after her decision to run for the European Parliament: “The unemployed Ilaria Salis can become a millionaire”, headlines Magyar Nemzet, the most pro-government of the main Hungarian newspapers, explaining that “the far-left Italian activist who organized a manhunt in Budapest” is “still unemployed at almost 40 years old” but, if she is elected to the European elections, she will earn “around 3.2 million forints, which in five years will amount to almost 200 million forints.”

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