Italy 24 Press News

Salvini: “Stop that warmonger Macron, he wants to send our children to die in Ukraine”. Arrow to Gruber, Berlinguer, Fazio and Floris

Never with Macron. If certain Italian politics, unfortunately also in centre-rightprefers Macron to LePen, makes a very clear choice. Le Pen was between him and Le Pen all his life, without a doubt”. She reiterates this to the microphones of the broadcast Italy has awakened (Radio Cusano Campus) the Minister of Transport Matteo Salviniwhich, after having magnified the bridge over the Strait of Messina (“It will be an extraordinary work of art unique in the worldwhich will demonstrate how good Italian engineers are”), harshly attacks the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron for his repeated hypothesis of sending troops to Ukraine.

“I never agree with Macron – states the leader of the League – when he hypothesizes sending soldiers and ground troops to die in Ukraine. Never in my name, never in the name of the League. We have been supporting Ukraine since the aggression with economic, military and humanitarian aid and I myself, as minister, am already in contact with the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure to lend a hand in reconstruction once the war is over. However who talks about sending our children and our soldiers to die in Ukraine, and therefore outside European borders, must be stopped. This is madness“.

And he adds: “Europe was born to guarantee peace, well-being and work, not to impose electric cars, green houses, synthetic steaks and even less to listen to that warmonger Macron who would like to send soldiers across half of Europe to fight and die outside our borders. I already know that some leftists will accuse me of being Putin’s secret agent. I – he continues – am not anyone’s secret agent, but I think we must guarantee our children a peaceful future. Therefore, let us return to talking about diplomacy, as the Holy Father asks. And someone stop Macron, because his words are unacceptable. We continue to talk only about wars, weapons, missiles, bombs, attacks, soldiers.”

Salvini then makes a j’accuse against some television talk show hosts, in particular of A7: “I have put my idea of ​​the future that concerns our children in a book, I hope that someone who does not know the League’s programs, except for television programs of the Gruber, Fazio, Berlinguer, Floris and those things, can go and understand what our final goal is, which is simply a future based on work and serenity.”

And he concludes: “I thank you Radio Cusano Campus, because, unlike others, it always allows you to compare ideas with other ideas without having starting prejudices. You know well how in certain other radio and television programs those who interview claim to be right and to impose their ideas, here it is not like that – he comments – When in the next few days aI’ll be on some programme, I won’t mention names but on La7, the attitude you take will not be exactly the same. And taking into account that your editor is a politician, that is Stefano Bandecchifreedom of thought here is double.”

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