On the gang rape in Palermo, which led to seven arrests, chats and messages admitting sexual violence are emerging. Heavy words, for which the investigating judge underlines in the precautionary custody order “the awareness of the violent action and of the sexual relations in aggressive and violent ways that had physically devastated the girl, who, according to their recollections, had said ‘ enough’, not skimping however on the correct comments – bold and macho – on the fact that, despite the cries of pain she was actually ‘excited'”. According to the judge “from their words we understand how, although morally completely indifferent to what happened, they were aware of the possible consequences of the serious events reported, raving about plans to escape abroad”.
“Meat is meat”
Some of the messages are reported by Palermo Today. «This one’s called… on Instagram, I swear it’s true, this is a p… we all made it, the guys from via Montalbo were many, a pebble, me, Gabriele T., Giosuè’s brother, there was Cristian a public housing boy and R… We were a mess», writes Angelo F. on Whatsapp, one of the arrested boys. In Angelo’s cell phone two videos were found that show the violence. Added to this are also the interceptions of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri. The young men were arrested in two moments: three of them twenty days after the attack, thanks to the identification of the girl. The other four ended up in prison today. «Fighiò can you send me the video as well, the one on the other side of the Foro Italico?» a friend asks Angelo F. and he, careless, sent the images of the violence to others. «Last night nothing – he adds – if I think about it a bit I get disgusted because we were 100 dogs over a cat, I swear I had only seen one of these in porn videos, we were too many, honestly I was disgusted a bit but what was I supposed to do? Meat is meat, I too let him talk…».
“She also felt bad, we left her on the ground”
Noncurante also explains the conditions in which the pack left the victim. «Afterwards she also felt bad – he explains in the wiretaps reported by the masthead – she touched herself down there bent on the ground… ‘Call an ambulance’, […]we left it there and went away…». And again: «But who knows this one, she had written to me a week ago: ‘My boyfriend here, my boyfriend there’ and I said to him: ‘Listen what we have to do, see you?’ and we met and had sex. Yesterday evening we met her at Vucciria with all her friends and it ended up disgusting… ». The girl claims that she has never had consensual relations with F .. «She was all drunk – Angelo F. continues via Whatsapp – her friend left her alone, she wanted to fuck everyone. In the end we made him pass the whim ».
Interception of suspects: “We end up in the same cell, maybe even on the news”
Three of the arrested boys were previously intercepted. They were afraid of ending up in prison and hence the arrest for danger of escape. One of them, showing his cell phone, guarantees: «They can’t find anything». The second replies: «But compa, can you imagine it if we appear on the news? Don’t we tick on the news? I’ll kill myself figghiò, I can escape, I can go to Mexico!». And the third: «Compà me in America, in Venezuela». The friend replies: «I’m going to Thailand».