“There is DNA”. Turning point on the disappearance of Angela Celentano

“There is DNA”. Turning point on the disappearance of Angela Celentano
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An unexpected twist: the South American girl’s DNA was taken “suspected” to be Angela Celentano. The news came a little while ago, with a official statement spread bylawyer Luigi Ferrandinolawyer of the parents of the child who disappeared from Monte Faito (Vico Equense) on 10 August 1996. In the next few days the comparison of the genetic profile between the young woman and the Celentano spouses will be carried out.

“DNA Taken”

According to the press release, a collaborator of the lawyer Ferrandino was able to meet the south american girl that would have”strong similarities” with Angela Celentano, who is 30 today. “In recent days – reads the official note – finally a collaborator of my study, in a northern European country, met the South American girl we suspect it could be, the girl who disappeared in 1996 on Monte Faito, Vico Equense (Na) and proceeded to collect the genetic material and send it to my study of Naples“. Then he continues: “As soon as I have it, I will send it to one of my trusted laboratories specialized in the identification of DNA profiles”.

Who is the girl who “looks like” Angela

There report from South America it arrived a few months ago, after a new photo of Angela Celentano had been released. The image – one age progression of the face of the girl who disappeared 27 years ago – was created, using a particular software, by the experts of the Missing Angels Org association and distributed, through ATMs, in many countries of the world. a”person – explained the lawyer Ferrandino to our editorial staff – he noticed a particular resemblance between Angela and a girl, so he reported it to the association (Manisco World ed)“. The “particular” to which the lawyer of the spouses Celentano had referred is a mole “on the girl’s body which, in shape and color, is similar to Angela’s“. Subsequently, we proceeded with the request for DNA sampling for the South American girl. Today, the news that rekindles the hope of Catello and Maria Celentano. “I count within a dozen of being able to compare the genetic profile of the South American girl – concludes the lawyer Ferrandino in the press release – with the profile of the Celentanos“.

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