The vault containing the Contini clan’s “treasure” discovered: major seizure

The vault containing the Contini clan’s “treasure” discovered: major seizure
The vault containing the Contini clan’s “treasure” discovered: major seizure

During yesterday’s inter-force operation – during which four members of the Contini clan were “hit” – the Guardia di Finanza found and seized cash worth over 4 million euros, in addition to numerous precious items, gold objects, diamonds and 48 luxury watches whose value – very high and in any case not less than 5 million euros – is still being estimated.

The seizure was carried out during the search of one of the four recipients of the order applied yesterday for the crimes of mafia association, threats, inducing not to make statements or to make false statements to the judicial authorities, money laundering and self-laundering, aggravated by the aim of wanting to benefit the Contini clan.

The vault with the clan’s “treasure” discovered

The search, carried out in the home of one of the suspects, allowed the discovery of a vault cleverly hidden and shielded with iron plates, whose location was possible thanks to technologically advanced instruments, inside which the seized “treasure” was found.

According to the investigations, the recipient of the seizure allegedly laundered the proceeds of fraud perpetrated through the resale of luxury watches in companies registered to front men, operating in the sectors of ferrous waste management, telephony and real estate rental and dedicated to the issuing and use of invoices for non-existent transactions.

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