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Celine Dion and her hair with twists (and brush)

Celine Dion she is one of those mega global pop stars that has accompanied the lives of many practically forever. There are those who have listened to her since the 80s, when she began her amazing career, those who began to be interested in her in the 90s after the global success of My heart will go onsoundtrack of the now cult film TitanicGen Z began to love her in the 2000s. In any case, her voice, like that of the sirens, once it enters the heart, it never leaves.

Celine Dion, unstoppable starting from her hair

The voice, precisely, that of Celine Dion, a true gift that also becomes the only one that speaks in the documentary I am: Celine Dion, available on Amazon Prime. More than a hundred minutes in which the artist tells the truth about her seemingly idyllic life. A sort of journey into her past and present in which she reveals her battle against Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) and the efforts made to continue performing: “I always have a plan B”, says Celine in the feature film

Her story is a source of inspiration. But Celine Dion is also heritage of space hairlooks Always on trend through the decades. One of the most talented musicians in the world, beyond her unforgettable songs, the star is also admired for the creative ways through which she chooses to express herself aesthetically. A true artist through and through, Dion’s four decades in the spotlight have produced countless moments of incredible beauty both on and off stage, further testament to his willingness to experiment, embrace change, and simply have a little fun.

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Celine Dion, hair look from rounded to ultra flat

Her hairstyles are particularly noteworthy. In fact, he experimented with every length, color and shape possible over the years, ranging from the most classic long wavy hair to extreme and sculptural hairstyles. Just like her otherworldly range of octaves, Celine Dion, even when it comes to hair, is the most versatile there is. From the end of the 80s she began to revolutionize her style, passing from soft curls to bolder cuts e diverse nuance, from ultra-phonized bobs to Rapunzel-esque locks, really one hairpedia absolute that becomes the history of hair.

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