Italy 24 Press News

Enrico Nigiotti, the new look conquers everyone: what he did to his hair – Photo

Summer of changes for Enrico Nigiotti who has decided to return to social media and surprise fans with his new look.

The singer-songwriter who became famous thanks to Amici and definitively consecrated himself after the success at Sanremo Festival con “Grandpa Hollywood”decided to change in appearance but not in identity. A brand new look that is fully in line with summer for Enrico Nigiotti who amazed everyone once again, but this time it wasn’t his songs that struck the audience.

Enrico Nigiotti conquers fans, here is the new look – (Photo: Ansa) –

Nigiotti was born in Livorno and has always demonstrated great love for music, a passion that his father Stefano passed on to him. This is why at 16 he had already written his first songs and at just over 20 he entered the music academy. Amici. Adventure ended perhaps too soon to allow his then girlfriend, Elena D’Amario, to continue on the show.

At the time, the singer immediately stood out for his determination, while he had to wait a bit for his look. Enrico Nigiotti, thanks also to his appearance and his hair, did not show off only as a great artist but he was also appreciated for his beauty. And not even the new hair changed the public’s mind.

Enrico Nigiotti Surprises Fans: Brand New Look for the Singer

When she started her adventure in the show business she had very short hair. Then, as time went by, she decided to grow it and now she has changed her style again. Goodbye to long loose hair and hello to braids for Enrico Nigiotti who indulged in a relaxing treatment while on the beach.

Unpublished Enrico Nigiotti, surprised fans – (Photo: Instagram @enriconigiotti) –

Just like many do, while he was at the seaside the singer decided to stop a hairdresser who was wandering around the beach and to rely on her treatments. Judging by the concentrated look, the former student of Maria De Filippi he seems to be happy with the choice. Long hair has become a trademark for him and he decided to give it a completely different look.

Waiting to know if Enrico Nigiotti will participate in the next one Sanremo FestivalCarlo Conti might think of him since they are both Tuscan, the public continues to follow his adventures on social media where the singer-songwriter is always very active. Even when he intends to indulge in a little relaxation away from the stage.

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