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The new VULTURE is sharper than a razor |

And therefore, after passing the litmus test (but also the ten and eleven) with Dealin’ Deathwhich made a beautiful display of all the facets of the diamond Vulture, including techno-thrash, classic heavy metal, speed and so on and so forth, here we are with the successor. Will our heroes be able to raise the bar further?

The short and concise answer is yes. Who followed the making of this Sentinels and has been waiting impatiently for its release, perhaps he will have seen it this video in which the group showed various phases of the recording, including the problems they had with analogue amplification, which led them to resort to various simulators. These, however, contribute to the final result in an excellent way: guitars always sharp as razors (sorry, nothing lightning cotton), proper vintage sounds and reverbed vocals that this time are closer to Zetro Souza than to the mix between Paul Baloff and Schmier of previous records.

Sentinels It’s a Madonna albumjust as it was for example Pleasures of the Flesh decades ago. No, I’m not afraid of comparison. In between there are entire geological eras, genres that have popped up and disappeared, various evolutions, yet it always warms the heart to see that the love for good old thrash has made like the faut and speed metal will probably never die. And believe me when I tell you that, among the new groups, there’s really no one on Vulture’s level at doing what they do. The way they deal with song structures, which can be quite complicated, with various tempo changes and one riff being better than the other, or the unforgettable battle choruses that are reminiscent of the best things of the Exodusthe beautiful solos, the harmonies… you name it.

After one listen the cock is already nice and straight. After the second listen you will find yourself among the supermarket shelves choosing the best brand of ass paper while singing, screaming in a falsetto voice REALM OF THE IMPALEEEER, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. It goes like this.

Another thing that has always perhaps made me biased towards our Teteschi friends is that they are obsessed with knives. Stilettos, daggers, clothespins, switchblades, “bowies”. Every time there’s an opportunity to put a blade, be it a cover, an insert, a t-shirt, they take advantage of it. Well, I’m a knife enthusiast. I don’t have a lot of them to be honest, but I like to buy artisanal and non-artisan ones, if they’re well made. In Sardinia we have a centuries-old tradition of knives of all types. They are really nice to look at, to use when grilling or for other chores. Vultures like knives, so I can only speak highly of it. It’s something that has always made me like them too Exciterbeyond the historical merits of the Canadians.

Musically we say that the Teteschi here settle more on the ferocity of the previous rhythms.Dealin’ Deathgiving us only pieces studied down to the last note, without fillers (the small intros to some songs don’t count) and adding maturity in an exponential qualitative growth that makes us wonder what they’ll do next time, given that they are one of those rare groups whose it can be said that they really did get better and better from album to album.

Oh well, come on, forget what I said about knives: Vultures just rock. You don’t have to be biased to understand it: you just need to have ears. (Piero Tola)

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