Italy 24 Press News

Weather forecast. Anticyclone strengthening in the next few days and increasingly summery weather. Here’s how long it will last « 3B Meteo

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Weather June 5-7

GRADUAL INCREASE IN PRESSURE ON THE MEDITERRANEAN. The vortex that in start of the week It positions itself over central-northern Italy and will move towards the Balkans on Tuesday and following it the pressure will gradually return to reinforce the central Mediterranean and Italy. However until Wednesday the country will remain exposed to a mild circulation of western currents, still capable of igniting a certain daytime instability in mountain areas, in particular in the Alpine ones. Within the same westerly flow a cloud body will rise from North Africa between Tuesday evening and Wednesday and cause some disturbance in our extreme southern regions, with clouds and local rain. From Thursday, however, the anticyclone will receive a further push from the Afro-Mediterranean latitudes towards the north, positioning itself over Italy and opening a stable phase with rising temperatures, projected towards increasingly summery values. Here is the weather forecast for the next few days in detail:

WEATHER TUESDAY. To the North few clouds in the morning, increase in cloud cover from the afternoon on the Alpine and Apennine areas with the formation of some showers or local thunderstorm outbreaks, locally encroachment by the evening on the high plains of Lombardy-Veneto and Friuli and from the Apennines to the Via Emilia, subsequently exhaustion. To the Center initially sunny, from the afternoon clouds increasing on the Apennine mountains with some showers or thunderstorms on the Tuscan ridge and on the Lazio-Abruzzo ridge, ending in the evening. To the South mostly sunny or partly cloudy, in the afternoon some additional clouds along the Apennine ridge, without phenomena and dissipating in the evening. Thickening clouds over Sicily and lower Calabria in the evening. In Sardinia initially sunny, some daytime variability in inland areas with isolated showers easing in the evening. Temperatures slightly increasing locally.

Weather Tuesday 4 June

WEATHER WEDNESDAY. To the North sunny in the morning except for thickening in Liguria and Friuli VG. From the afternoon, clouds will also increase in the mountainous areas with some showers in western Piedmont and the Venetian and Friulian Prealps, which will end in the evening. To the Center mostly sunny, but in the afternoon variability along the Apennine ridge with some showers in the Lazio-Abruzzo sector, easing in the evening. To the South initially cloudy in Sicily and Calabria with light showers easing in the afternoon and with a tendency to clear up. Elsewhere sunny, with some daytime clouds over the Apennines, especially in the Campania sector. In Sardinia stable and sunny weather. Temperatures further slightly increasing.

THURSDAY WEATHER. Stable and mostly sunny weather in Italy, with the exception of clouds in Liguria and afternoon variability near the Alpine areas with some brief showers in western Piedmont, upper Veneto and Carnia, which will end by the evening. Temperatures sharply increasing, on summer values.

WEATHER FRIDAY. Still a bit of variability in the afternoon in the Alpine areas with local short showers, elsewhere mostly sunny and with temperatures further increasing, peaks of 34/35°C on the major islands and Puglia.

NEXT TREND. Possible gradual weakening of the anticyclone in weekend in the northern regions with intensification of rain and thunderstorms, especially on Sunday in the Alpine areas. In the rest of Italy it will be mostly sunny with temperatures rising further.

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