Italy 24 Press News

Federico Pignatti, aka Chicco, debuts with the song Stanco

Federico Pignatti

The young singer-songwriter from Carpi has an innate creative streak but his feet are firmly planted on the ground Chiccoat the registry office Federico Pignattigraduated from Liceo Fanti and student of the degree course in Computer Science at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Federico, when and how did your passion for music begin?

“My first memories related to music are those that take me back to car trips to go to the seaside with my parents who made me listen to and discover the rock genre. Then, in sixth grade, I decided, always supported by my parents, to start playing the drums in the Musiké music school where, among other things, I wrote my first song for my band at the time. Over time I started listening to music of all kinds, learning to play other instruments and starting to produce the first instrumental bases”.


Why did you choose Chicco as your stage name?

“Chicco is the name I was called as a child and I chose it to remind me to approach music with that authenticity and vulnerability that only children have”.

What are your favorite musical genres?

“The musical genres that I currently like and influence me the most are hip-hop, soul and jazz.”

What is the genesis of the song ‘Stanco’ and how did you come to record your first single?

“’Stanco’ was born in 2022 when, after a disappointment in love, I felt the need to somehow describe my state of mind and, in about three months, I wrote the lyrics and composed the music. In 2023 I started producing other songs, temporarily setting aside the ‘Stanco’ project, partly because I felt the song was incomplete and partly because I was afraid of publishing such a personal piece. A year after its writing I met Manuel Arrigoni who, after listening to it, put me in touch with Luca Zannoni, producer of the Music Inside Studio with whom I established a collaboration to improve and refine its sound, to the point of publishing it independently on all the main platforms such as Spotify, Apple music, Youtube…”.

How would you define your musical style?

“The genre of the song is difficult to pin down and I like that it is that way, but I can say that it is halfway between neo-soul and hip-hop even if the influences are various”.

Are there any artists who inspire you?

“In the creation of the song the artists who influenced me the most were undoubtedly: MacMiller, Venus and the producer Jdilla”.

What plans do you have for the future? Maybe a record? Are you working on something new?

“For now I don’t have any album planned because I want to reserve the creation of new music for a need to express myself, but in the future I hope to be able to dedicate myself to a larger project. Then once I have built a catalog I would consider the idea of ​​a live show.”

Chiara Sorrentino

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