Italy 24 Press News

The Naples of the new Geoliers, from San Giorgio to Cremano here is Carlo Lombardi

The myth of Geolier now marks an entire generation of young people and adolescents, in Naples as throughout Italy. And the recent success of Sanremo was nothing but the natural evolution of a musical path that exploded in the space of a few years and is now a point of reference. The younger ones, especially those under 20, are not only lovers and passionate listeners of Geolier’s songs, but now represent the followers of a musical genre, rap, which finds in the Miano star one of the models to follow and imitate. Thus, every day, videos and songs are born which, through the web and social media, sound like the soundtrack of an entire generation.

One of these examples is that of Carlo Lombardi, just 16 years old, from San Giorgio a Cremano, a city that has produced several artists, starting from the world of cinema and entertainment (Massimo Troisi and Alighiero Noschese). The young Carlo, who has renamed himself “Rabbittone” on the web, has just released a music video with the unequivocal title “Geolier without lens and without whisker“. Her song is all strictly in Neapolitan and is expressed in the classic rapping style in which she sings herself while speaking. “My nickname – explains Carlo – comes from the figure and artistic myth of Eminem, who in a film in which he represented himself as Rabbit. The video is all shot in my city, San Giorgio a Cremano, and the song wants to express our living conditions and our dreams”.

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