“My mother taught me not to be afraid. Battisti? Number one, like Mango and Cocciante”

Wikipedia still says “lyricist”, but it’s not something that Mogul (stage name which in the meantime has also become the surname of Julius Rapetti) admits. Words are an exact science and not a subjective variable for the one who, much more than others, created and influenced the Italian song. «Lyricist is an improper word. Lyricist is the one who creates the puzzle magazine. It’s like calling me by someone else’s name. We are authors. Journalists and newsagent’s don’t do the same job, right? Thursday 4th July at 9:30 pm, in Alessandria at the San Giorgio Festival together with Gianmarco Carroccia and with the collaboration of Emozioni Orchestra, Mogol will tell Battisti and not only that, it will be a “narrated” concert that will present some of the greatest hits of Italian music of all time.

Mogol, what effect does it have to know that you will be remembered for eternity?
“My songs live beyond my life. However, our destiny is to die. One day I asked my mother why she was crying: “Mom, are you afraid of dying?” She was a simple woman who had been orphaned as a child. She had five sisters and the last one had not yet been born when their father died. Who was a wonderful man.”

Did he tell her much about him?
“I once discovered a letter addressed to his family. It was of an exceptional cultural level. I found that letter on a shelf when I was already quite grown up. It was written by a 32-year-old man who had 4 children, one on the way, and unfortunately their mother was disabled. As soon as she finished middle school my mother found a job. Unfortunately I lost that letter, that masterpiece. I can’t explain to you how sorry I still feel about this.”

He didn’t tell me if his mother was crying because she was afraid of dying.
«No: “You don’t cry because you die. We all die, it’s our destiny. I cry because your sister made me angry”. It was a very important thing, much more than it might seem. I’m not afraid of death. If you’re afraid, you can’t live properly. You just have to create self-esteem».

“By helping others. That’s how the fear of death disappears. I do everything. For example, my wife and I have been hosting two Ukrainian families for two years. I go to prison to do shows with the inmates. With Ca’ Foscari we have started a poetry project with the inmates, the best ones will be published.”

What does Battisti represent for you?
“Battisti is a great composer. I was lucky enough to write for him, for Gianni Bella, for Mango, who was number one. For Cocciante. Immense musicians. They are all number ones.”

All. Battisti, perhaps, the most pop. The most remembered. Isn’t that right?
«Do you know what the most popular song is today? Sleep my LoveCelentano sings it. Just listen to it to understand.”

We are living in a terrible time in many ways, from wars to pandemics to the economic crisis. The world seems to be going to pieces like never before. What role does or should music have in your opinion?
“Music serves to make life a little more beautiful. You see, I wrote a book, it’s called The rebirthis having great success and teaches everything that is bad and everything that is good.”

In a scientific sense?
“I have been studying the subject for more than 40 years. I wrote it with Professor Scapagnini. People believe that health is a matter of luck and it is not so.”

One thing to do to stay healthy?
“There are hundreds. But I tell you this: if you drink two fingers of spirits every night, you will die in two years. There are thoughts that produce tumors, as happened to Enzo Tortora, a dear friend who was unjustly accused by a criminal. Singing together is good, laughing, playing.”

“I worked very hard. And it did me a lot of good.”

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