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Deadpool & Wolverine, the director comments on the direct connections with Loki

Shawn Levy, director of Deadpool & Wolverine, compares the parallels with Loki and explains that it’s not all his own making.

Il link Between Deadpool & Wolverine e Loki it is quite evident since cousin trailer shared by Marvel Studios. With the return of Wade Wilson to the big screen, space will also be made for Time Variante Authority (simply known as TVA) already explored in depth in TV series dedicated to the character of Loki. The god of deception had the opportunity to collaborate closely with the TVA, discovering the true nature of his interventions in the timeline and who was the puppeteer pulling the strings behind the scenes. Thanks to Loki, in fact, we learned for the first time about the character of Kang in Conquerorinitially introduced as the true villain of the Phase 5 Marvel. It is unclear what will become of Kang after what happened to Jonathan Majorsbut it’s pretty clear that Deadpool & Wolverine and Loki have a lot in common, so much so that even the director Shaw Levy addressed the topic, telling more about parallels between these two Marvel products.

Deadpool & Wolverine and that very evident connection with Loki addressed by the director

Interviewed by Total FilmShawn Levy told more about the connection between Loki and Deadpool & Wolverine, explaining that they had been working on this aspect for two years already. At the time, they had decided to exploit this narrative to their advantage, introducing the iconic TVA of Loki in contact with Wade Wilson. At the time, therefore, they did not even know how much the TV series with Tom Hiddleston would have pleased the public.

I’d like to take credit for these parallels. Some are quite obvious, but others are simply coincidences. We invented Marvel Jesus two years ago. People love to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to positive things, but frankly even more so when it’s negative.

Despite the direct connection, Shawn Levy has reassured all those fans who have not yet had the opportunity or interest in recovering Loki. According to the director, it is not necessary to have seen the TV series in question to understand what will happen in Deadpool & Wolverine:

I was a good student in school, even as an adult actually. I certainly won’t try to set up the cinema experience in this way, I don’t want the audience to do their homework before entering the theater. I made this film with a healthy respect and gratitude to the avid fans who have an excellent understanding of the mythology and lore of these characters and this world. This film, however, is built for entertainment, without the obligation to come prepared with preliminary research.

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