Italy 24 Press News

Lecce, 82-Year-Old Found Dead at Home: Man Who Cared for Him Arrested

The alleged murderer, a 36-year-old Moldovan, was interrogated during the night and reportedly confessed

July 1, 2024

A man was arrested 36 year old Moldovan after the discovery of the lifeless body of an 82 year old in Castrignano dei Greci (in the province of Lecce)According to what we learn, This is the man who looked after the pensionerThe 36-year-old was questioned during the night and reportedly confessed.

The man was then taken to Lecce prison to await validation before the investigating judge. The alarm was raised by the pensioner’s daughter, returning from the sea. The 36-year-old was found outside the house, naked and in a confused state.

According to what emerged from the investigations conducted by the Carabinieri, the 82-year-old pensioner, Fernando Monte, was killed after a argument started for trivial reasonsat lunchtime. The Moldovan man under arrest allegedly hit the pensioner on the back of the head and in various parts of his body. Inside the house, where the two lived The soldiers found items of clothing and a smartphone still soaked in blood. The body was taken to the morgue of the Vito Fazzi hospital in Lecce to await the autopsy.

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