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Dinamo Sassari | The die has been cast: now Markovic has the task of connecting the dots

The die is cast. Nate’s long-awaited announcement Renfro it arrived yesterday evening, Friday 28 May. There Dynamo Sassari he has thus completed the design of his puzzle for the next season. A design in which the choice was clear: that of mixing experience and hunger, which on the field also translates into the possibility of being able to exploit different characteristics depending on the opponent that the white and blues will have in front of them.


The field will make the most important judgement. It seems almost trivial to say it, but it is actually the most important aspect. Because sometimes even seemingly perfect fits may not turn out to be perfect in everyday life. On paper, however, the work was done during a longer summer, but made shorter by the almost immediate movements on the market and the future early start of preparation due to Bcl (details here)And positive. Markovic used the wake of the final phase of the season to make clear what he would have liked to change or keep to get closer to his idea of ​​basketball. Ideas that have joined the need for planning of Dinamo in the Italian package: Tambone, Udom and the permanence of Cappellettiplus the entry of a player like Veronese who have been waiting for the move to the next level and have the potential to do well, are moving in the direction of greater solidity on and off the field, with time on their side. Aspects that combine with the choices made for the basic quintet. Where the risk was cushioned to the maximum by the choice to rely on players aware of the difficulties of European basketball, accustomed to playing in a system, but also to breaking it when necessary, see Bibbins e Fobbs over all. No excessive gambles, unless protected – like Vincini and Trucchetti – by more experienced players, and the clear desire to make Sassari seen as a place with ambition. Because on the one hand it needs certain answers and results given its history, but on the other it can give space to launch itself towards higher levels of European basketball.


The landing of Renfro gives the possibility in the five-man spot to have two long ones who could be like the ying and it Which. On the one hand, an extremely vertical player, who likes to frequently go above the level of the rim, who seeks more depth of paint in two-man games. And on the other hand he brings reactivity on rebounds and on substitutions, which with the former Paok on the pitch will be accepted with more serenity. On the other a long how Halilovic, technically more educated, able to give Sassari back the option of isolation with their backs to the basket which has often been missing in recent times and to bring kilos and centimeters near the rim even in defence. The summary of the painting describes what Sassari’s idea was on paper. Finding players who could do it vary the score depending on your needs. Markovic had already made it clear last season. In some cases using three small players on the pitch at the same time, or choosing the high quintet, with Charalampopoulos, McKinnie and a big player between Gombauld and Diop on the pitch at the same time. Situations that could easily repeat themselves, even next year. Thinking above all about the possibility of having Fobbs live with two other little ones, or of giving minutes to Udom as a five, to give two examples. The key word for this eclecticism seemed to be “equilibrium“. Sassari has lost more than reliable shooters from the arc, from Kruslin to Jefferson, he tried to insert new ones like Bibbins, Sokolowski and Tambone who will be joined by Bendzius. He decided to let Charalampopoulos go to get a versatile player like the Polish former Napoli player. He added physicality in the five-man spot with Halilovic but did not want to completely lose the athleticism factor by inserting Renfro. Playing different types of basketball, with different types of balance but without losing stability, this is the objective. With two cardinal principles at the base, one typically on the parquet, the other that is valid for inside and outside the Palazzetto, that is intensity e belonging.


Now it’s up to Markovic to connect all the dots. Trace the different shapes with your pen to obtain the best result, lay the foundations to ensure that the group that is formed is also able to react to any unexpected events. Clearly the doubts to dispel. From the impact with the highest level basketball of Bendzius to the return after the year of stop, to the physical conditions of Sokolowski after a very intense season, up to the impact with the physicality of the championship for Bibbins and Renfro, especially on the defensive level. Unknowns to which is added that of a seasonal schedule that will be different from that of past years. The Qualifying Rounds of Bcl imply an early start that will presumably take place in the second week of August, a month or so before the semifinals of the QR scheduled for September 19 or 20, in a location yet to be defined. With the work of the staff that will not change in the general picture, but may have to adapt to different balances. The main picture is now ready for delivery. All that remains is to wait for the first tip-off to understand what Dinamo could be.

Matteo Cardia

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